CH-14 Fake what...?

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🦋Asha's POV 🦋

I woke up feeling refreshed and energized. I headed to the kitchen to grab a delicious slice of bread and poured myself a glass of milk. While I was munching on my breakfast, I walked around my cozy living room and turned on my favorite TV show "Queen of Tears". As I was enjoying the drama unfolding on the screen, I heard a sudden ring from my doorbell. I headed towards the door, wondering who it could be, and opened it...

Upon seeing Aryan at my doorstep, I felt a wave of embarrassment wash over me as I realized I was still in my pajamas. Without thinking, I quickly shut the door on his face, hoping he hadn't noticed. However, my curiosity got the better of me, and I decided to check again to see if it was really him. After a moment of hesitation, I opened the door once more, only to find Aryan still standing there, looking at me expectantly I close the door again at his face and panicked for straight 5 minutes and slowly opened the door again

Asha:- What is i---

I tried to ask him what he wanted, but before I could even form the words, he simply walked into my house without any invitation or permission. Despite his audacity, I couldn't help but notice his sleek grey coat, with its clean lines and flawless tailoring, he looks effortlessly polished and put-together. The subtle sheen of his Rolex watch catches the light just so, adding a touch of luxury and refinement to his ensemble. And his shoes - ah, his shoes! - are the picture of perfection, with not a scuff or blemish to be seen. All in all, he cuts a dashing figure indeed....anyways

Aryan:- I need your help....

Asha:- No.

Aryan:- For the second time sweetheart I'm not asking I'm saying

Asha:- Hey I still don't change my ans--

Aryan cutts me off

Aryan:- I want you to act like my girlfriend 'Fake one' ofcourse..

Asha:- Fake what..?

Aryan:- As I'm approaching 24, my parents are upset with me for focusing solely on work and not dating and introducing them to any girls. To solve this issue, they have arranged for a breakfast tomorrow with a girl who is my aunt's daughter, I find her very annoying and cannot stand to be around her even for a minute. My parents are asking me to marry her, which puts me in a difficult position. I didn't wanna make them sad so I told them I already have a girlfriend, and you're that I need you're help to act for tomorrow's breakfast...

Asha:- Woah....but-

Aryan:- Please asha!

Maybe...I should help him...

Asha:- What do I get in return..?

Aryan:- Anything you ask..

Asha:- ....I'll use this chance for later..

Aryan nods

Aryan:- Get up and get ready...

Asha:- For what..?

Aryan:- You really think I would let you wear something basic you're gonna have to look elegant...we're going shopping be ready in 5min...


Aryan:- 5 minutes 30 seconds...the clocks ticking asha

I quickly got up, put on a t-shirt, tucked it into bellbottom jeans, braided my hair, put on sneakers, and quickly went to Aryan..

Asha:- I'm ready!

Aryan:- Let's go...

We stepped out of my house and I couldn't help but notice a shiny, sleek Range Rover SV parked in the driveway. It was Aryans car, and I must admit, it was truly an exquisite sight to behold. As he took my hand and helped me get inside the car..

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