CH-23 Slow burns👄

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🍒Arushi's POV🍒

As Nash angrily forced me into the car, his voice took on a threatening tone. I looked at him, surprised by his sudden outburst.


Arushi:- A....guy friend...during my 7,8...I dont...lik--


Arushi:- .What the fuck nash! No!

Nash:- How many assholes did you gave your pussy away to?! Huh!?

Arushi:- Are u fucking crazy I am not a whore! I haven't had sex! You crazy bastard!

Nash:- You expect me to believe that?

Arushi:- Then don't! I don't care! I don't need to explain myself to you!

I instantly felt a pang of remorse as soon as the words left my mouth. Nash's reaction was immediate; he floored the accelerator, propelling the car forward at breakneck speed. I instinctively clutched the seat belt, bracing myself as he drove with wild abandon.

Arushi:- N..n-...nash!....nashhhh! Slow down it's scary!!!

Nash let out a dark chuckle sending shivers down my whole body...

Nash:- You scared already..?

Arushi:-What do you mea--

He turned the steering wheel sharply to the right, and the car sprang into the narrow alley. He quickly applied the brakes in front of my house. It all happened so swiftly that I was left speechless.

Nash:- Out.

I didn't wait for him to repeat and immediately got out of the car and started walking fast towards my front door I quickly typed the password

Arushi:- 444455.

I was just about to open the door when I sensed someone's heavy breath behind me. Before I could react, the person grabbed the doorknob, closed the door, and roughly turned me around, causing me to yelp....

Nash:- You don't have to explain yourself hm..

He pushed me against the door, and I bit my lip in pain. I gasped as I felt his right hand forcing it's way in my pantie as he started to feel my pussy In a whirlwind of emotions, I instinctively grabbed his shoulders with a tight, firm grip...and suddenly his fingers stroked my clit..

I let out a moan and my eyes lashes fluttered

Nash's finger moves from my clit.....his thumb and forefinger form a V shape and start to rub my vaginal opening he pushes his fingers inside me

Arushi:- Nash! Stop were on my door step


Arushi:- Nash!!!

Nash's fingers started to move in and out of my pussy and it was all rough...I couldn't help but keep biting my lower lip to keep myself from moaning to loud

Nash:- You like that? My love..?You want more?

He adds his third finger and right then he pressed my g spot making me moan louder than a dog howling on the street.

Nash:- This is it right my love..? The spot? Which can make you cry out for god...

His fingers started to curl up in my hole rubbing my g spot frantically, making me scream in pleasure my body was becoming a mess against the door

And then...

When I looked across from nash, I noticed that the lights on the porch of the neighbors' house were switched on, and I panicked.

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