For you to know

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This here is my first fanfiction.Which means,I am VERY nervous to uploud this here.

I read some others,so I could have like a basic framework.

I thought,that a Romance story between the reader and Tyler would be VERY interesting.

Planed was,that I will upload one chapter each week,so you guys won't need to wait so long.

I am sorry,if one week is to long too,but school is also important for me.


This was all I wanted to say.

May I will also write some stuff in each chapterss.

I don't know it yet.

But with this was it all I wanted to say lately.

Cya in the next chapters! 😘

PS:My english is not good.My first language is german 😅

Tyler x female reader /SCHOOLBUSGRAVEYARDWhere stories live. Discover now