Chapter 1 :First day of school

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Some stuff about you: You are a 5,4 ft (164 centimeters if you don't know it) tall and have brown hair,which reaches your shoulders.Your eyes are also brown with a scar over your eye(You are kinda a common girl.Sorry -_-).You never really talk to somebody,because you once trusted your friend but she deceived you.You live alone with your mom in a little nice house near a river.You often go there,because it feels like your safety place there.You love to read and to play the violin.You are kinda good at playing it,but you never really play for anyone,because you are scared,that if you won't do it right or do something wrong,you would maybe loose your friend.I almost forgot it.Your name is Noemi Legan.Your birthday is on the 25 april.You are 16 years old and in 11 grade.Your zodiac sign is taurus ♉♉♉
This was all from me now.
I wish you fun with my fanfiction!:)


You stood up and saw at the clock.Urgh.Today is the first day of the new school year.You heared some foot steps outside your door.

,,Huh?What is it?",you said annoyed.
,,Don't talk to me like that.You know I don't like it Noemi.The schoolbus is coming soon.Get ready and eat something before you go to school.I will also head to work now.See you later hun"
With that sentence did your mother leave the room and went to work.It is the same everyday with the same schedule.She stands up,gets ready,wakes me up and heads to school.Without any happiness.Since my father left us,there is no happiness in her anymore.I am really worried about her.

But now I can't think about her.I REALLY need to change now,or I will go to my pyjama to school.How emberassing it would be.I ran to my closet,picked some random clothes and changed.After 10 minutes I was ready.I looked at myself in the mirror.I looked good.I had a nice grey T-Shirt on with a black jeans.The only weird thing were my socks.I had a blue one on and a green one.Doesn't matter.Who looks at the socks of people?

I went down to the kitchen and took a apple.This will be my breakfast today.I grabbed my schoolbag and went outside to the schoolbus.I made it just in time.I entered the bus and sat in the penultimate row.Not the last one.There are so many gums sticking around.The 6 graders are so annoying.But luckily they are now on an other school bus.

You are the first one on the bus.After some time came more and more kids in.After the third stop a weird smiling boy with a quiet one following him.They sat on the right side opposite to me.Hopefully they won't talk to me.As could the weird smiling boy have read my thoughts,he said ,,Hi!I am Aiden.And who are you?". Urgh.Why does he need to talk to me?!Can't I just sit here in peace like everyother person here? ,,I'm Noemi",you mumbled. ,,What did you say?You mumbled",he said with a big smile on his face. ,,I am Noemi"I said now louder. ,,Noemi?What a nice name.From where are you?" Urgh.Why should you care about that?Should I answer or not?What if he continues talking to me if I answer?Nah. I won't say another word.

After some seconds Aiden realised,that you aren't answering him.But he didn't really pay attention to that.

The bus holds again and a beautiful orange haired girl entered the bus.As soon as she stepped in,Aiden looked at her with a stunned face.Poor her.She sits right infront of him.Before she sat down,she looked him in the eyes.In his were you able to see fireworks.It was nice to watch,but I am really happy to not be her.

The second the girl sat down Aiden stuck his head to her and said something.I couldn't hear it because of the other loud noises in the bus.These stupid kids!Once you want to listen to something,you can't because they are too loud.

The girl just jumped up at hearing Aiden's voice.I guess she was listening to some music with her headphones.After she replyed something,Aiden looked...sad?Were did his smile go?Weird guy...

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