Vox tech (parts 13/14 and maybe 15)

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Part 13
As Vox watch though his cameras he couldn't help but stare at Alastor a bit longer then everyone else.
At times he would see how close Alastor is with Lucifer, but he felt jealous. Jealous that even after Vox came out to him, he rejected him hurting his feelings making anger grow inside of him.
However even though he got rejected he still loved him, even though he was dating someone else he still loved him, and as time and time again Alastor wanted nothing with Vox nor VoxTech.

But the big question is...

What happened?

"It was a normal day in hell for Alastor, just about a week ago he came to hell but now he has gotten use to it. As well Alastor was already powerful so he fears nothing, that was the whole part of the deal he made he would get ALL the power he needed and sinners would be afraid of him not him being afraid of sinners.

That was in till he was walking around hell while it was raining, he couldn't help but noticed that there was a box? A box that also looked some what human. Eager to see what it might be Alastor walked up to it.
"H-hello?" It spoke Alastor was a bit stunned at the condition it was at he look like he couldn't talk.
"Why hello fellow are you alright?" Alastor spoke as he put the umbrella under Voxs head.
"I uhm...yea sort of" Vox spoke afraid what might happen to him.
"Did you just arrive to hell? You smell fresh" Alastor bended down to reach Voxs hight. "Uhm... yeah I did" Vox stood up brushing off the dust that he had.
"Ah don't worry my friend I as well died recently, just about a week ago in fact!" Alastor walked in the rain with Vox following behind.
"M-me too!" Vox said happily.


After walking around the streets of hell Alastor brought Vox to his home, it wasn't big it was enough room for one or two people to live together.
"Would you like some tea? It could help you feel less cold" Alastor mention as he started boiling the water. "Uhh...do you have coffee?" Vox sat down on stool that Alastor grabbed out for Vox.
"Ah! I see you coffee drinker?" Alastor tilted his head, he never knew anyone that like coffee yes it's weird to say but where he was from everyone ether drank tea or beer...at least that's how it worked in his house hold.
"Yeah! I like coffee, it keeps me up and awake!" Vox responded.

"Right then 1 coffee for you my good sir!"


Even though Vox had only met Alastor 2 hours ago, he felt his heart flutter every time Alastor would ether complement him or even just how he looked at him, every time they talked Vox always knew how to answer. " my I haven't laughed that much in a while!" Alastor wiped the tears that fell as he laughed so hard. "I'm....glad I was able to make you laugh,Al" Vox said as he calmed down after laughing.
"Well, it was great talking to you my dear pal, however I must go to sleep as I have important business to attention tomorrow morning" Alastor stood up cleaning, eventually leaving Vox behind.

As time went on Vox began to upgrade himself with modern technology as well meeting new people along the way. Alastor wasn't fond in Voxs decisions
He didn't like how much he was changing, he didn't like his new buddies, Alastor knew they weren't good he just wanted to look out for his buddy that he cares about. As well Voxs feelings towards Alastor grew and grew, he always blushed whenever he talk to him or just having a conversation with him made him feel flustered. Vox always thought Alastor might have liked him to but that thought was never brought up with anybody, not even his other friends.

"Voxy~ are you paying attention to meee~" Val spoke getting Vox out of lulu land (y'know like Lala land but instead- it's lulu land-? Haha..... never mind)

"Huh? What do you mean I was totally listening Val" Vox shock his head slightly.
"Mhm... anyway how are things ~ with Alastor?~"
Val moved closer to Vox hinting that he wants a smoke. "Things are grea-! Er i mean.... Good things are good" Vox snapped his fingers creating a flame on his finger tips.

" mhm"

Heyyyy so I'm very sorry for not posting I have busy with school as well I'm stuck in major writers block and I have been working on this for too long, SO even tho it's really short I'll be updating with through out the week so please enjoy and eat up!

Part 14

"Mhm...Sure I see how you are with him y'know" Val said putting smoke in Voxs face.
"W-what? Pffft nooo I have no clue! What your saying" Vox felt flustered

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 08 ⏰

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