The Malfoy Heiress

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In the wizarding world, blood determines your place in society. The Purebloods enjoyed privileges halfbloods and muggleborns didn't, a fact those of lesser lineage resented.

Despite people like Albus Dumbledore advocating for equality of all wizards and witches, many old pureblood families remained sceptical of anything even slightly Muggle.

It became commonplace for people to shun others because of their blood status.

Sakura knew every single reason why Muggles and Muggleborns - mudbloods - were bad for the wizarding world by heart.

The wizards were merging with the Muggles, and almost every pureblood wizard or witch knew how dangerous that was.

However, instead of dealing with these dangerous lesser beings nosily breaking into their society, old coots like Dumbledore advocated for the banning of dark magic and creatures instead.

It was Sakura's dream to become someone her parents would be proud of. Once Voldemort inevitably returned, she'd join him and fight for a better world. She'd make sure no dark creature ever felt discriminated against just because they had dark magic.

She'd ensure all bans on dark magic were lifted, too. Didn't people realize dark magic was as dangerous as light magic?

Why did they constantly discriminate against anything labelled as "dark" instead of focusing on the real problems?

"Sakura, dear, have you packed your nicest robes for Hogwarts?" Her mother's voice interrupted her thoughts.

"Yes, mother," Sakura assured her with a slight smile. Out of the entire Malfoy household, Sakura's mother, Narcissa Malfoy, was the person Sakura felt closest to.

"It'll be your last year at Hogwarts, Sakura. The most important one, too," mother told her. Neither of them had noticed Lucius in the room, who decided to join the conversation.

"Indeed. You're almost eighteen, Sakura. Do you understand what that means?" her father asked her.

Glancing at her father questioningly, Sakura took a guess. "That I'll have to find a job?" She guessed, giving her mother a quizzical look.

Narcissa's expression froze, a silent plea directed at Lucius.

"L- Lucius, we discussed this..." Narcissa pleaded, her voice trailing off as she met Sakura's gaze.

"We've given her a choice. She still has time. It's unusual that we haven't arranged a marriage for her earlier," Lucius explained.

Arranged marriage? Sakura turned to look at her father with wide eyes, her heart racing. "Father, please, can I have more time?" She pleaded, her voice trembling

She didn't want to get married yet, least of all to someone she didn't like!

Lucius, however, remained steadfast.

"Sakura, you've had ample time to find a suitor, yet you failed to do so. You must marry before all respectable pureblood men are taken," her father told her with a deep frown.

"This isn't up for discussion," he finished.

Narcissa, seeing that she couldn't convince him, pursed her lips but stayed quiet. That was usually how every argument in the Malfoy family ended. Nobody could really talk back to Lucius Malfoy, it just wasn't done.

"Father, I- Can't you give me three more years at least?" Sakura begged anyway, attempting to negotiate, but Lucius remained resolute.

"I've told you this isn't up for discussion, Sakura. Get dressed and then meet us downstairs. We're flooing to London shortly."

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