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When Sakura was young, she'd always felt bored. Living in a massive luxurious manor was nice and all, but it felt lonely sometimes.

There was nobody around to talk to her. At four years old, her younger brother Draco had just been born, and her parents gave him all their attention as he'd be the heir of the Malfoy family.

There was nothing to do around the house. She wanted to meet other kids and play with them, but she couldn't. The only places where she ever met with anyone was at the balls her family or other pureblood families held, and there, she only ever met the same kids who she didn't find any fun at all.

All they ever did was whine for their parents to buy them new stuff, it was lame.

When Sakura found the Malfoy library, she'd finally felt like life wouldn't be so boring for her after all. She enjoyed reading the stories sometimes, and eventually, she moved on from story books to books about herbology and magical creatures. Eventually, she found interest in books about magic.

But just reading was soon not enough for Sakura. Her mind was growing restless with all the information she had. She really wanted to do all those things the books talked about. She wanted to conjure a snake!

After days of using different methods to get her parents to do what she wanted, her father had agreed to get her a kiddie wand at least. Sakura wanted a real wand, but she decided that a kiddie wand would suffice.

Whenever she felt bored, she'd do magic. Whenever she felt sad, she'd hide in the library and study.

As a pureblood, she eventually got her own private teachers. All pureblood kids did.

She found great enjoyment in impressing her tutors. She loved the feeling of eyes on her, admiring and a bit envious. She wanted to suck the attention in like a sponge and have it fill her entire being for days.

Sakura always felt hungry for the compliments of the people around her. She soon learned that the more magic she learned, the more impressed her tutors were.

(She had to compensate for the lack of attention her own parents gave her somehow, didn't she?)

Before she knew it, practicing magic was all she ever did. When she did magic, she felt powerful and strong. Not vulnerable like she'd used to feel. She felt like she could take on the world.

As she grew older, her parents noticed her aptitude towards magic. While they did enourage her to do more magic, they also insisted she had to socialize more. Whenever Sakura was at the Balls they held or other parties, she found excuses to slip away so that she wouldn't have to interact with people. Her parents no longer tolerated that.

While dealing with people her age, Sakura built a reputation for herself as the ice princess of the Malfoy family. The other kids feared her as much as they wanted to talk to her. Her confident aura drew them in as much as it intimidated them.

Sakura didn't care about how they perceived her. They didn't make her feel impressive and strong. In comparison to them, she just felt weird. She didn't like that very much; feeling like an exposition for others to look at and points at, with words like, "Look, she's all alone again!" and, "Isn't she so rude? Does she have no filter?"

She tuned everyone out. She ignored the envying glances from those that wanted to be good at magic like her and she ignored the longing glances of those that wanted to be apart of her circle, that wanted to get favors from her as a Malfoy. Most people in the pureblood only ever befriended someone because something was in it for them.

Ino had been friendly to her before Sakura had even introduced herself as a Malfoy, that alone already placed her above everyone else in Sakura's eyes.

Until now, all people reacted to her the same way, whether they were her age or not. They either wanted to use her, or they hated her, or they envied her. She was used to everyone having one of those opinions about her, despite not knowing her at all.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 01 ⏰

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