Who are you?..

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He stared at the Empty space in front him, lost and confused, the can of beans just... Disappeared? Was it even real in the first place?

James started looking around frantically, scared and confused. Was this all...A dream? Or maybe even a nightmare!

Days passed and James continued thinking about the can of sexy beans. He didn't care about his insane phobia at that moment, he just saw the can of beans for who it was...And it's gyatt!

One day, James was walking the streets of Brighton, he walked for a few minutes with his beta male friend, willNE, following behind him. Will all of a sudden needed a piss and ran into the local tescos, screaming with his Northern accent. James sighed and looked down, tapping his foot as he waited for Will to return.

Minutes passed, minutes turned into hours...He'd finally had enough and walked into the tescos to find the beta male. He walks into the toilet and looks around...No sight of Will anywhere...Not until he looked down one of the toilets, seeing a magical portal.

He looks down at the portal and mumbles,
"Ermm...What the sigma!"
He slipped slightly on water on the floor, falling into the portal...

James Marriott x BeansWhere stories live. Discover now