Chapter 7

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The first thing Harry mentally ticked off of his list was his school books. As they were already in Flourish and Blotts and accompanied by Lucius Malfoy, getting school books was as easy as a cold stare and a command. Harry looked around at all of the books on the shelves longingly even though he logically knew that he already had too many and that he had the rest of the summer to buy books.

Draco caught his gaze and gave him an amused smirk, "Looks like I'm befriending a future Ravenclaw. You're staring at those books like you're in love with them."

Harry only narrowed his eyes at the blond and pouted slightly, which only succeeded in making the other boy roll his eyes, "You've got lots of time for books, Harry. Live a little!"

Harry sighed and nodded reluctantly, eyeing the books one last time before turning away. Their next stop was to the quill and parchment section of the shop. Harry was fascinated by the huge amount of different kinds of inks, but in the end, he simply went for the fancy basic set, which included three pots of black ink, one green, one violet, one navy and one red.

Draco bought one of those as well, and they both went over to the quill section. They both got the classic quill set. It was plain, if a bit fancy, with black, uniform quills.

Harry noticed Draco looking longingly at a fancy quill and ink set, peacock feathered with a sharp tip. A glittery navy blue ink bottle went along with them, "Why don't you just buy it? You're looking at them like I look at books."

Draco's lips twitched, "I've been eyeing these since I was seven, but father says they're unnecessarily fancy and could be seen as me showing off, so he's never agreed to buy them for me." Harry frowned but didn't comment.

They then made their way to the parchment section. There were different scrolls of parchment everywhere, and they both placed a large supply of the thicker type in their baskets for homework, but what really caught his eye was a small shelf of notebooks. They were made of a fancy leather, and upon closer inspection, it appeared to be the same type as Harry's wallet; dragon hide. There was a sign next to the shelf that stated that these notebooks were charmed to add pages if they ran out. They are also impervious to ink spills but not the ink itself. There was a hefty price tag on there, but Harry knew he could handle it. The last thing on the sign stated that Flourish and Blotts did custom engravings for an extra fee.

Draco had walked over to where Harry was standing and read the sign with him, "These look brilliant! Are you getting any?"

Harry nodded absently, "I was thinking of one for each subject. I'm sure I can manage them with a lightweight bag that has an undetectable extension charm on it." He muttered, more to himself than Draco. He then wondered about the knowledge that seemed to be slowly streaming into his brain. He was sure it was courtesy of Hecate, who didn't want to spring all the knowledge on him in one go.

Draco looked incredulously at him, "You do realise that those are heavily monitored by the ministry, right?"

Harry only shrugged, "They're called undetectable for a reason."

Draco grinned, "I have a feeling we'll get along great."

Harry grinned back at him and spotted a clerk heading their way, "Hello, sirs, can I help you with anything?" she said.

He nodded at her with a polite smile then turned to Draco, "So, how many subjects are there for us firsties?"

"Well, there's Potions, Charms, Transfiguration, History of Magic, Astronomy, Herbology, Defence Against the Dark Arts and Flying. We don't need a notebook for Flying, so that makes seven subjects."

Harry nodded, "Have you decided on buying these, Draco?"

"Yes, they seem to be a good choice."

"Alright, well, we'll each have seven of these. I want mine to be engraved with my initials, H.J.P, and one of the names of the lessons at Hogwarts."

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⏰ Last updated: May 13 ⏰

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