Chapter 3

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When Harry woke up next, he was in his cupboard again.

At first, he wondered if it all really was a dream. But then he realised that he could see perfectly fine without his glasses, and as he raised his fingers to his eye level, he saw the Hecate-Thanatos ring on it.

Letting out a breath he didn't know he was holding, Harry sat up. The first thing he saw as he blinked the sleep out of his eyes was a cardboard box. Curious, he opened it. The first thing he saw was a note written in an elegant cursive writing:

Dear Harry,

I know you want to get out of your relatives' house, so I have put instructions to the nearest magical shopping spot on the back of this note. You can get a room at the Leaky Cauldron. They won't ask questions. In the box, you will find some necessities you may need today.



Surely, as Harry turned over the note, he saw instructions and a map to go along with them. He silently sent a prayer towards Hecate in thanks.

As he looked in the box, he saw what looked like a reptile skin wallet, which he opened up to find another note inside:

There is a universal credit card in this wallet. You can use it to pay for something magical or muggle. Don't feel bad, Harry. I'm a goddess, I have infinite resources, I don't need money. There is also some muggle cash just in case. The wallet is made from magically reinforced dragon hide, (cruelty-free, the dragon died naturally). It will not allow anyone other than you and those you key to it to take anything from inside.

Harry felt his cheeks heat up in embarrassment. How could she have known that he would feel bad? He answered his own question: She's a goddess. She knows everything.

He inspected the credit card. It was gold and had some words written on it in another language. He idly wondered if anyone would think he was royalty because of this card. It did look fancy enough. He put the credit card back in the wallet and put that to the side.

He looked at the contents of the rest of the box, there was a full set of clothing (muggle, but with what he deemed as wizard's robes to go on top), what looked like cologne, a spray bottle of something he instinctively knew was some sort of hair taming potion, a hair brush, an expensive looking watch and a pair of shoes.

He put everything back in the box after inspecting it thoroughly and closed the box. The first thing he needed to do today was to show his relatives that he wouldn't be bossed around anymore. He put the box in a corner and exited his cupboard.

He swaggered into the kitchen confidently, something very unlike him usually.

"Boy! You're late! Get started on breakfast!" Unc- Vernon, for he didn't deserve the title of Uncle, bellowed.

Harry simply didn't reply as he experimented with 'letting his aura loose', as Hecate described it. He knew it worked when he felt a change in the atmosphere around him and fear seeped into the expressions of the muggles in the room.

"I won't be following your orders anymore." He began in a calm voice, "If it was up to me, I wouldn't live here at all, but, as I require guardians, I'm stuck with you terrible people. I'll make you a deal, you let me do what I want and I won't bother you. I'll be out of your hair for at least ten months a year and only come back here when I have to."

Fearfully, Dudley, Petunia and Vernon nodded, though the man seemed to be bursting a blood vessel in his neck.

Harry smiled in satisfaction, "Excellent!" he chirped, "I'll be leaving now, goodbye!"

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