S2 EP 10 the new recruits

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It seems they would return to the Demi plane because it was summer and they could take more breaks now

It seems soon they would have another job as they walk towards their office with Emma and passionlip

Susano: "so basically we're here to choose if a species from this world can stay in our Demi plane?"

Emma: "correct"

Passionlip: "I came to be useful since I been mostly carrying heavily stuff and that battle, and to give second opinion, that's what golbez told me to do"

Incursio: "I can see that, you can come with us, so Emma who pick them"

Emma: "well each of them are pick by their diet, social skills and special abilities and character and they were picked by Shiki, Mio and Tomoe"

Makoto: "let hope they get along with the Dungeon species" he would sigh: "I already filled with dread"

Passionlip: "can I help you with that"

Makoto: (don't get too close): "maybe another time passionlip, so who's coming?"

Emma: "no need to worry I have already picked the representative of all 3 species and they're coming here"

Makoto: "so we're not visiting them, making them come to us feels arrogant"

Incursio: "I guess but we are the stronger of the 2, also we could show them around here to make them rethink" soon they stop as they notice Emma stop

"Uh Emma"

Emma: "sorry but they're the ones coming here to relocate here, this is the very least we should ask of them"

Susano: (damn Emma got scary mod again, Golbez her power does surpass a death knight a couple of times)

Passionlip: (she's making that face again): "you're making a scary face"

Makoto: "yeah you're kinda scaring me as well"

Emma: "young master, passionlip this is important, Passionlip you must no show fear so they can respect the leaders more and young master you must be more demanding of respect"

Susano: "well you're getting lecture Makoto"

Emma: "I'm not finished"

Susano: "huh"

Emma: "lord Incursio I wish for you not to give leeway for the other species to join and Lord Susano I need you to take this more seriously as you represent the warlord and strength of the demi plane"

Passionlip would nod in agreement

Makoto: "well I uh"

Incursio: (at least she's giving her honest thoughts and not a yes man): "I see then Emma, we'll try our best"

Soon Emma show a anger face with a red aura: "remember you're the Masters here"

Susano: (she's being intense now) soon they would reach the meeting room as they each sat down on their seats with desks as passionlip and Emma stand

The first Race auditions: the Wingkin, recommended by Shiki

Makoto: "wow nice to see you, welcome to the Demi plane"

The Wingkin seem to be basically humans but with White bat like wings as they were flying in the room stationary

The Wingkin seem to be basically humans but with White bat like wings as they were flying in the room stationary

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