Chapter 10

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CW: kidnapping, torture mention, restraining methods, trafficking cycle mention

X held on to Rad and shut his eyes to avoid looking at the captives in the cages.

"Rad... where are we going?"

"To that facility I told you about earlier. I work there."

"You... you... work there?! Why?"

"Because Radical-16 is holding my little cousin hostage, and he threatens to hurt my little cousin and/or my other family if I don't work there!"

"So... you're being forced to work there?"

"Yep. That's it."

The van stops and X shivers.

"What's gonna happen to me?" he said. "Will I be able to leave?"

"Well, it depends on what will happen to you. Usually, it's one of two things. You either get sold for money or have your powers harnessed for electricity."

"No! I don't wanna be sold or harvested!!"

Radical-16 opened the door to the van. He put X into a cage and handed his cage to Rad.

"Here. Hold this caged variable."


Rad carries X to the inside of the building, while Radical-16 uses his powers to make the cages of the other captives levitate.

X holds on to Rad through the bars on his cage.

Rad looks sadly at X.

X appears to be crying a bit.


The group goes through the hall until they reach the dorm room.

"Listen up, variables!" Radical-16 said. "You will be left here until I decide what to do with you!"

X, upon hearing Radical-16's voice and out of fear, threw up on the floor.

"EW!" said Radical-16. "You're gonna clean that up! Now, anyway, as I was saying..."

Radical-16 proceeds to recite a speech about his enslavement of variables. X blocked it out, and Rad heard it so many times that it turned into white noise. Rad became desensitized to Radical-16's practices, but he still believed the practices were wrong.

Soon, Radical-16 freed the variables from their cages but taped their arms, legs, and mouths to keep them from escaping or doing anything of the sort.

Rad was still allowed to move freely, though.

Rad cleaned X's vomit and checked on him.

"You okay, X?"

X let out a muffled yawn. He was tired from throwing up everything, and he wanted to go to sleep.

X struggled weakly against his restraints and soon fell asleep.


He dreamed about the White Room and how Radical-16 tortured him.

He was afraid of what would happen to him.

He remembered what Radical-16 did to him and became more afraid.

And soon...

X woke up.

"You okay, X?" said Rad.

Just then, X felt a little weak. He was hungry.

"Oh, I see."

Then, Radical-16 came to the entrance of the dorm room.

"Listen up, variables! Dinner is ready! Head to the cafeteria ASAP!"

All of the variable captives made their way to the cafeteria.

X staggered to the cafeteria with the help of Rad.


When X's tape came off of his mouth and his food was served, he ate it fast, like he hadn't eaten in days.

Soon, X was full, but his stomach was still upset. He ended up throwing up a little bit of the food. But soon, his stomach settled.

"Attention, variables! All of you! Go back to the dorm! I'll figure out what to do with you in the morning."

X began heading back to the dorm with Rad until he heard...

"Except for you, X. I wanna have a talk with you."


To be continued...

Word total: 594

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