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Mach n cheese

-Cracked at solitaire

-She can shake the banhammer to make it emit light

-Has a personal gymnasium

-Sees things with a red-ish palette because of her red eyes

-Sometimes tries to train Pilby to make him a bit stronger

-The banhammer whispers her things from time to time

She remembers the most shocking ones.

"Mach...return to gambling....Mach.."

"Mach...tell Pilby to do the caterpillarshaker..Mach...."

"PULL THE TRIGGER!!!111!1!!!11"

"Do the griddy"

"Mach...Holdfast Nations At war is at 10.49 USD on Steam..Mach..."

-Interested on DrRETRO's existence, a ball that at the same time is a cat that at the same time is a doctor that at the same time shoots lazers? Hell yeah

-Doesn't want to admit Mach n cheese has ever existed, and she's up to erase any hint of her existence.

Does she stick the banhammer handle up her ass?

Does she stick the banhammer handle up her ass?

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what do you think of grapefruit

Also i recently noticed MoldingTundra discovered this, and made an entire tweet on his Twitter about the "funny" part in Pest and PartyNoob's headcanons, dam

Also i recently noticed MoldingTundra discovered this, and made an entire tweet on his Twitter about the "funny" part in Pest and PartyNoob's headcanons, dam

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Honestly i'm not angry because of it, just something

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