Chapter Twelve: Jorvik Rangers

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As Erika approached the rangers with her horses, she became curious about them. She used to being alone, but now it's almost hard to believe she's going to be traveling with some of the rangers. She quietly joined them by the flag. She soon heard some hooves trotting them. Erika could see it was a familiar girl rider around her age with the Jorvik Wild, an Embermane no doubt.
The girl has shoulder-length, slightly curly red hair that shimmers in the sunlight. Her amber eyes sparkled with curiosity and compassion. Erika could see that the girl has freckles across her nose. The girl was wearing a green sweater with a purple shirt peeking through, blue jeans tied by a brown belt, and black and white shoe-like boots.
Erika felt her heart jumped in her chest. She recognizes her. "Skye?" Her voice was soft enough not to attract any attention from the rangers, but strong to be heard from the girl who noticed her.
"Erika?" She wrapped her arms around Erika and squeezed her cousin tightly. Erika felt Skye's arms wrap around her. She shut her eyes and let her whole body relax into the embrace. The scent of smoke wafted up from her hair. Why did she smell so much like smoke? Was it the horse? Did she...? "I'm so glad to see you." Erika snapped out of her thoughts and smiled at Skye too.
"Same here." They released each other and joined the new rangers. "I guess it's about time we finally have an adventure together."
"Yup." Skye looked at the orange-maned horse. "That's Blaze, she's my partner."
"Hey Blaze." The mare nickered a greeting.
Erika soon stepped back and let Nemain lay her head on her shoulder, gently stroking her cheek. "And this is my partner, Nemain." Nemain nickered. Firefly and Nightshade both whinnied. "Those two are the pack horses, Firefly and Nightshade." Firefly and Nightshade both whinnied. Erika started packing all of the required supplies for the voyage ahead and placed it in the two Andalusians' respective saddlebags.
"Hi Nemain. Hello Firefly and Nightshade." Skye patted the horses and glanced at Erika with a smile. "Lets join the others."
The two girls and the horses joined in with the rangers, curiously listening in their discussion. Erika smiled at Natalia, who greeted her with a smile and Mythic Meadow greeted them with a snort.
Tiera was the first one who had spoken up. "Does anyone know about our ranger leader? I heard they worked in the outback!"
"The outback?" Skye echoed, exchanging a glance with Erika.
"The outback?" said a nervous boy aka Yousef. "Uh, nothing survives out there. It's all dust and... tumbleweeds."
Erika threw him a skeptical look, clearly knowing what type of wildlife that lives in the outback when she was reading about it.
"I heard that they got into a fight with a kangaroo!" said Tiera.
"Why would anyone fight a kangaroo?" Erika muttered quietly, making Skye chuckle softly.
"It was the bush, actually." Everyone turned to see their new ranger leader, Rowan. His uniform is a black jacket with the Jorvik Rangers logo, three pockets, a red neck scarf, a green belt with a silver buckle, dark brown shoulder straps and cuffs. He's wearing green pants, dark brown gloves and boots decorated with gold details, green shoelaces and soles. Rowan has a red headband on his head that's wrapped around his black hair and warm brown eyes. "They call it the Devil's Wilderness. I'll leave the reason why to your imagination. As for the kangaroo brawl, that's completely true. I also ate prawns on the barbie and surfed all the time."
"That... is... AWESOME!!" When Tiera's voice had raised, Erika flinched back at the sudden sound.
"Glad you think so mate." Rowan gazed at the gathered rangers, sounding calm and determined. "Alright, now we've got the Aussie clichés out of the way, we can get down to the nitty-gritty." He radiated an intense energy; even Erika caught herself wanting to follow him wherever he went next. "You all know what you're here for. Northern Mistfall. That's where we're heading. Hacking away at those brambles and dealing of the abandoned ranger station past Rovar's Gap. But there's something I've haven't mentioned. But there's something I haven't disclosed..." Rowan looked uncertain, but he strengthened his resolve at the sight of Erika and Skye standing next to each other. "The ranger's station is at the edge of the Wildwoods."
"The Wildwoods?" Despite her wariness, Erika was ready to learn more about these unexplored places and the legends she had heard about. It was as if all the old stories were speaking directly to her.
"The WILDWOODS!?" Everyone turned to look at Sam's daughter, Nova. "Nobody's been near there for ages. And for good reason. It's dangerous."
"And how is that dangerous?" Erika asked Nova smartly, catching everyone's attention. "If nobody's been there for 'ages', then how would one know if it's dangerous or not?" Nova was stunned to silence by Erika's response while everyone else looked impressed and amused.
"She's right," agreed Rowan, a touch of pride was sent to Erika. "Danger's part of the job. We all knew this when chose to be rangers."
"It's impossible!" Nova exclaimed. "I'm not putting MYSELF at risk for a derelict cabin. Count. Me. Out!"
"Suit yourself." Rowan shrugged. "I've done a lot of impossible things in my day. One way or another, I've always made it out the other side. This won't be any different."
"Is anyone here?" Rowan seemed to be doing headcount of the rangers. "Tiara. Enitan. Astrid. Yousef. Skye. Erika." But he soon caught sight of Freya. "Wait a minute, who're you?"
"I'm Natalia." She stepped forward and let Mythic Meadow lay her head on her shoulder, gently stroking her cheek. "And this is my partner, Mythic Meadow." Meadow nickered.
"I heard about you, Natalia." Rowan smiled warmly at Natalia. "If the stories are true, it's a good thing we have you on board." He soon fixed his energy on Natalia. "Are you up for the expedition?"
"I'm ready," said Natalia, her eyes shining with excitement and curiosity.
"You hear that, everyone?" He soon gazed at everyone else. "That's the kind of enthusiasm we need on this journey!" He soon became firm and informative once again. "We should get going soon. Wouldn't want be traveling the Wildwoods past dark. One wrong move and you're vegemite on toast." Erika and Skye both exchanged glances, looking uncertain and curious about going into the great unknown. "But we're just missing one person. Where could she be?"
Everyone spun around when they heard the sound of hooves coming their way. Erika's eyes landed on a blind girl as she rode towards them. Her hair is somewhat short and braided black. Her skin is the color of deep brown. She's wearing a blue shawl tied with a Viking styled pendant around her neck. She's wearing a blue t-shirt, brown riding pants and boots, and holding a white cane. The girl seemed to be around sixteen or seventeen years old. She riding on a Haflinger stallion with a dappled flaxen chestnut pangare coat, a white snipe on his nose, and a thick white mane and tail.
"Rania!" Skye exclaimed, her amber eyes aglow.
"Sorry we're late," said Rania apologetically. "Dellingr and I hit the trails and lost track of time. Hey everyone!"
"Hey Rania," said Skye as she brushed her hand against her friend's hand. "My cousin, Erika, and her horses, is going to be joining us."
"Really? Great! Is everyone here?" Rania asked. "I want to start this adventure!"
"Hey Rania, it's Rowan," said Rowan warmly. "You're right on time. Everyone's here." His expression has the confidence of an adventurous leader. "What are we waiting for? Vámonos."
"Ride with us," Rania invited Natalia.
They soon set off as soon as the sun had begun to set towards the tree line behind the stables. Folk music of Jorvik could be heard coming from somewhere, and a crowd of onlookers had gathered to see the riders off.
"The rangers have been talking about pushing through Rovar's Gap for ages," Rania told the two girls. "But nobody took initiative until Rowan came along!" They soon arrived to the bramble wall and all of the rangers' horses had came to a stop there. "You don't know much about the Wildwoods, do you?" Erika shook her and Skye just shrugged. "Tales say it's an ancient forest that's home to the Jorvik Wilds." Some of the rangers glanced at Blaze curiously. "Sounds idyllic, but over the years it's become a place to avoid. And we'll be staying a stone's throw away from it..." Erika could feel the excitement of exploring the Wildwoods. But they suddenly felt something magical in the air from the other side of the bramble wall. "I can feel it. The air is different in these parts." Rania glanced at the direction of the bramble wall. "It's been a while since I've been this far north in Mistfall. How's the bramble wall looking, Rowan?"
"There are heaps of brambles, Rania," said Rowan. "But nothing we can't handle." Some the rangers dismounted their horses. "It's time to bring out the heavy equipment. The chainsaws should do the bulk of the job. Let's get crackin'."
"Erika, you can leave your horses with me," Rania said. "Dellingr and I will keep them company. We're staying in the way, I can't stand the noise of the chainsaws."
"Me neither," admitted Skye. "I will stay here too."
"I'll... uh... join Rania and Skye," Yousef said nervously. "I can stand watch over there and be... um... superior... or something."
"Superior?" Astrid looked amused at Yousef's reaction. "Pfft, have Enitan's spooky stories got you all scared?"
Erika looked sympathetic and amused at Yousef's reaction as Enitan stepped in. "For the last time Astrid, they are not spooky stories. They're Jorvegian folklore, passed down for generations through the word of mouth."
That's when Rowan had cut in. "Settle down everyone. These brambles are coming down, and we're journeying through whatever awaits us beyond Rovar's Gap."
At that, everyone has gotten to work. The rangers had started using the chainsaws against the bramble wall. Erika grunted as she used her chainsaw against the brambles and ignored the scratches from the brambles. Once the bramble wall has been removed and put the chainsaws away, Rowan led his dappled gray Irish Cob through the clearing. After Rowan and his stallion was Rania, Dellingr, Nemain, Firefly, and Nightshade. Coming up behind her and the two horses was Enitan with his stallion (Clyde), Skye on Blaze, and Natalia on Mythic Meadow. After them came Tiera on a perlino Andalusian stallion (Pegaso). After her, Yousef and his silver liver chestnut stallion (Mousebiscuit) had came up next. Lastly, Astrid had started to ride through the destroyed bramble wall on her Grå Fjord horse (Knut).
Erika took the scenery around her, her eyes wide with amazement. She could see some bushes and trees as well as an unused path, surrounded by the mountain's wall. She petted Nemain's muzzle before she mounted Nemain and rode towards Rania and Skye.
"We made past the bramble wall!" Rania exclaimed. "We did it! We tackled the bramble wall!"
"I wonder what we're going to see," said Skye.
"That sure wasn't easy," said Rowan. "I think if we were one person less we couldn't have managed it. We're graceful for your help, Erika."
"I can't believe the brambles are finally gone!" Tiera said excitedly. "I've stood here so many times, imagining what could be on the other side. What do you think it's on the other side of Rovar's Gap, Erika?"
"A sprawling forest," said Erika.
"That would be amazing," Tiera told Erika eagerly. "Rangers of the past have reported giant trees that only in this region of Jorvik. Soon, we'll know what I'd feels like to stand under their canopies."
"Is everyone ready for what lies ahead?" Rowan asked everyone playfully. "Trick question, of course you are."
But that's when something terrible happened.

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