9-Moonlit Machinations

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"I was thinking about what happened this morning," Ayato says in a serious tone
"It's fine Ayato, "I say
"It isn't. How much ever you want to downplay it, it doesn't change. You are the princess and the first lady of the Kamisato clan," He says, i could feel the underlying anger in his voice.

"it doesn't matter. Ayato I am fine" I say trying to calm him down. I hear him sigh.

"I am glad you are okay, But I cannot tolerate any harm towards my family." He says while looking worried, concern traces every word that he utters.

"You are my wife. I know that you are well capable of protecting yourself. But as your husband, I believe I must protect you." he said as he gripped the railings in the balcony.

"My Lord I understand where you are coming from and highly appreciate your concern. But we can't do anything that will put the Yashiro Commission and the Kamisato Clan in the spotlight." I said.

Ayato takes a deep breath and says,

"I won't say that I agree with this but you are right, we cannot take a step that will put the spotlight on us" he looks at the vast ocean in front of us. I could see his hands grow red with how tightly he had gripped the railing.

As the wind ruffles his hair, his side profile comes into my view. He takes a deep breath in

"How was your day?" He asks calming himself down.

I started to tell him about what happened with the traveller. As the wind blew through my hair it fell on my face continuously. I felt a soft touch on my face.

Ayato reaches out his hand and slowly brushes my hair to its actual place. the touch felt so gentle and his gaze never left my face as he was doing this.

As he fixes my hair. his fingers brush my skin. He pauses for a minute, I feel the warmth on my skin, his eyes dart to my eyes and I can't look away from those purple eyes. his hand falls from my hair to my cheeks slowly brushing them.

My heart starts to race as he gently brushes my cheeks. At this moment everything other than him seemed a blur to me. My heart was threatening to jump out of my chest. Slowly lost in the moment I leaned closer to him. My. breath hitched when I felt his breathing next to mine.


Hearing the knock both of us were brought out of our trance. he very quickly pulled his hand away. I moved away from him, feeling embarrassed about what I thought would happen.

"My Lord, Hiashi is here to meet you," Thoma said from outside.

Ayato drifts his eyes towards me. before saying.

"Send him in Thoma" The door opens slightly and a man with black hair walks in and bows in front of us.

"My lord. You asked for me"

"Yes Hisashi, I need you to be on guard for the Lady from now on," Ayato says. I turn my head as swiftly.

"What about you? My lord" Hisashi asks

"Exactly my lord, What about you," I ask him.

"I can take care of myself," He says calmly

"Are you implying I cannot?" I ask. He shakes his head implying no


"I believe it is for the best," He says

"And I don't" I argue back. He turns towards me crossing his over his chest.

"Do you want something like what happened today to happen again?" He asks

"I was the one who drew my sword first, My lord," I say

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