Chapter 3

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August sat in an uncomfortable hospital-issued wheelchair in the waiting room, eyes glued to the TV screen in the physical therapy office as it ran the local news segment.

"August Miller, a sophomore at Boston College and a rising hockey star already a highly favored contender for his NHL draft year, has been severely injured in a gruesome car accident. Here's Nancy with more on the story." The camera cut to a woman in a green blazer, standing on a sidewalk positioned right in front of the intersection on Commonwealth Ave, holding a microphone.

"Thank you, Linda. I am standing right in front of the very intersection where August Miller was injured in a car accident just last month. Accident reports state that Miller was driving through the intersection in the early hours of the morning, headed to practice when a drunk driver ran a red light and T-boned the drivers side, leaving Miller in critical condition.

"Head Coach Allen Byrd put out a statement earlier this week stating that Miller will be out for the rest of the season with a head injury. This is a devastating loss for the Eagles going into the Frozen Four as Miller was a key contributor to the team with his position as a center. We're wishing August a speedy recovery. Back to you Linda." He sighed, eyes drifting to his curled hands. A devastating loss for the Eagles. His team could win without him, right?

"August?" He looked up at his physical therapist, Reina as she walked over to him. Her black hair was pulled back into a ponytail and her cheeks were slightly flushed.

He forced a small smile but she could tell something was off. "What's up?"

He began to push his wheelchair, effectively moving at a snail's pace since his hands never seemed to want to cooperate and she fell into step beside him.

"They were talking about me on TV, about my injury." He grumbled, annoyed that being a D1 athlete meant having all his personal business freely aired out on live TV. A gruesome car accident.

"I'm sorry August, you should be able to heal in private." They approached her station and August locked the wheels of his chair as he moved his feet from the footplates to the freshly waxed linoleum floor.

He slowly stood up and Reina's hands quickly extended out just in case he faltered. He wobbled a bit but a huge grin spread across his face when he realized he was standing by himself.

Reina smiled back, shaking her head. "Look at you! Give me a warning next time though August." She took his hands, threading her fingers through them as she helped him shuffle over to the mat table.

"Sorry." He mumbled, his right leg dragged along behind him, useless, while his left leg took slow, wobbly steps. He sat down on the mat and Reina let go of his hands.

"Go ahead and lie back for me." He swung his legs on the mat and laid back.

Reina began working on stretching his legs as August stared up at the tiled ceiling, hands resting on his stomach.

Tyler brought his clothes over from the apartment he, August, and Casey shared a couple of days ago.

August finally got to change out of the same t-shirt and sweats that he'd been wearing to PT for the last couple of weeks, which he greatly appreciated.

He hated this part of therapy the most, it was so easy for him to get lost in his head. "Hey, Reina?"

"Hm?" She was bending and straightening his right knee.

He took a breath before asking the question. "Do you think I'll ever be able to play hockey again?"

"Well for starters, do you want to be able to play hockey again?" He nodded.

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