Chapter 1

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This is a work of fiction, any names, characters, places,
events, incidents, or items depicted in the series have
no relation to the real world or historical events.

2 years ago

"Dorothy, make haste, we're all waiting for you," shouted Dorothy's older sister, Joan, from downstairs looking up to Dorothy's room.

Today is the day Dorothy is heading to her first social gathering after what happened with her father 3 years ago. Dorothy is feeling nervous, despite everyone, including her brothers, telling her how beautiful she looks in her violet dress. All she can feel is an invisible knot in her stomach. She still vividly remembers that dreadful day when she lost her father, her best friend, and she is determined to overcome her fears and make new memories today.

She was seated in front of her dressing table, combing her light strawberry-blonde hair and applying some eye shadow that would match her blue eyes. It seems like she was lost in thought because she applied too much eye shadow, so she looked like she had gotten into a fight and got a black eye.

"Sweetie, what's taking you so long?" Asked Celeste, Dorothy's Mother, standing at Dorothy's doorway. Dorothy turned around and looked at her mother. After her mom finished helping her with the makeup, she stood up and left Dorothy in her seat, Celeste sat in her bed. And they talked.

"I don't think I can go, mama. I can't go. I still miss him," said Dorothy, looking at her Mother across from her dressing table. Feeling her eyes water, her mother relaxed her shoulders, took 3 steps to tower over Dorothy, and then hugged her, she hugged back.

"Oh, sweetie. It's okay, I also miss your father. I miss him so much. But that doesn't mean I can't give another man a chance or refuse to go out and meet new people. Your father wouldn't have liked to see you miss 3 years of life, people move on, everything is moving, whether you like it or not" She paused, and caressed Dorothy's face, wiping away her tears, "So I understand if you don't want to go out today, but you're going to have to, sooner or later, you're going to have to face your fears," said her Mother, before leaving her alone with her thoughts.

Dorothy thought about what her mother had said and she was right, she would have to come out of confinement sooner or later, so as well do it now.

Before she knew it, she was jogging across her mansion to reach the Bifurcated Staircase, battling her nervousness, thinking if she would come to regret the decision shortly. She raised her head to slide down the stairs but stopped and saw that her younger brother Louis was with Lionel and Joan, entering the car.

"Stop!" Shouted Dorothy from the top of the Bifurcated Staircase. She jumped the last 2 remaining steps of the staircase and that was enough to catch Louis's attention.

"Sister, what took you so long? We were about to leave without you," said Louis. (He was Dorothy's younger brother. He just turned 10 last month) looking at Dorothy's face, "You look pretty, sister,"

"Thank you, Louis," said Dorothy, smiling, trying to hide whatever feeling she had. Louis opened the car door for her to get in, "Oh, and thank you. Again," said Dorothy as she took a step inside the car.

"No problem, sister," said Louis, smiling and then entering after her.

"Sister, you came!" Said Joan, looking excited. She was Dorothy's elder sister. Joan was 1 year older than Dorothy. They looked so similar, both Joan and Dorothy had gotten her mother's light strawberry-blonde hair and blue eyes.

"Did I ever tell you how happy I am to see you, dear sister," said Lionel, grabbing Dorothy's hand and tightening it. He was the oldest of 6 siblings (yes, 6, there were six siblings in Dorothy's family, just be patient, and you'll meet them) Lionel is 25 years old so he was of age and was already betrothed to the Marquis's daughter, Isabella, and would get married 2 days before the new year, so in 2 months. Lionel was also the tallest, but he had gotten Dorothy's dad red hair.

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