Chapter 4

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This is a work of fiction, any names, characters, places,
events, incidents, or items depicted in the series have
no relation to the real world or historical events.

2 years ago

As the first light of dawn filtered through the windows, Alexander made a bold decision to rise from his bed and explore the palace grounds. Tossing and turning all night, his mind was consumed by thoughts of Dorothy, leaving him unable to find even a moment of rest. Dorothy was all he could think about. He was captivated by every single thing about her: her smile, her hair, her dazzling blue eyes - he was head over heels for all of it. He was enamored with her.

As he made his way back to his chambers, he caught snippets of his mother's conversation with Nigel. The Crown Prince.

The queen looked regal in her elegant dress adorned with intricate red and black patterns, showcasing her unique and distinguished style. Nigel donned his Crown Prince uniform, its white and gold details shimmering in the light, adding an air of regal splendor to his appearance. Under the warm sunlight, his luxuriant long hair glistened like spun gold.

The Crown Prince gazed out the window, with his mother by his side. Alexander watched as their lips moved, but he couldn't hear them. So he proceeded to take three steps to get closer.

"Are you certain about this, Nigel?" the Queen inquired, her gaze fixed on the window, "Because once it's said, there's no turning back," finished the Queen. Alexander listened.

The Crown Prince lifted his head and placed his hands behind his back. "Yes, Mother. I am certain," finished saying the Crown Prince. Nigel glanced over at his mother, but the Queen remained fixated on the window.

"I fail to comprehend. What is the rationale behind your desire to abdicate?" inquired the Queen, "Was it something that other nobles did? Do I need to explain again how this works?!" Finished saying the Queen, looking at Nigel.

"Enough! You don't need to remind me of my responsibilities!" the Crown Prince snapped at his Mother. "Since the day I was born, I've been told what to do. I'm constantly under pressure. I am the Crown, the Crown will be me! The future of the kingdom rests on my shoulders! I know very well how this works! And I am tired of it!" He finished shouting at her, his face contorted with anger. Then he turned away, running a hand through his hair to push it back.

Alexander couldn't stand to listen anymore. He turned left and strolled into his chamber. If Nigel were to give up his claim to the throne, Alexander would become the new Crown Prince. With that promotion came greater responsibility and less time to spend with Dorothy. He felt a surge of worry and immediately knew who he needed to confide in. Daphne.

Rushing to his desk, he grabbed a pen and started pouring his thoughts onto the page. Writing a letter to Daphne.


He saw the car with the Willis symbol approaching the palace gates. As soon as he laid eyes on his pregnant cousin and her glowing belly, he almost forgot the reason he had brought her there in the first place. It was usually the butler's responsibility to escort a guest to the waiting room, but Alexander had insisted on doing it himself.

Daphne had some interesting requests for her pregnancy cravings - biscuits, mini sandwiches, and chamomile tea. Alexander then decided to give the staff a break for some privacy.

"May I ask the reason for our meeting, dear cousin?" Daphne inquired, as she sipped her tea.

"Listen up, Daph," the Prince said, his expression deadly serious, "Nigel wants to abdicate," said the Prince, cutting straight to the point.

Daphne nearly choked on her drink. "What?!" she exclaimed, unable to believe what she was hearing. "Are you serious?"

The Prince nodded, and they exchanged a meaningful glance that seemed to stretch on for an eternity, "But let's keep this under wraps for now. I have a feeling they're going to announce it on New Year's Eve."

"Two months from now? Why so soon?" Daphne asked. Her expression was a mix of surprise and bewilderment.

"Frankly, I'm not sure. However, Nigel has always been passionate about traveling the world. So, perhaps the sooner, the better. That's what I think, at least," said the Prince, shrugging.

Daphne stood there in stunned silence, her eyes wide with disbelief at the words that had just reached her ears. While sipping her tea and taking a bite of her mini sandwich, she attempted to shift the conversation but failed miserably.

"Could you, perhaps, buy me some time?" pleaded the Prince, "There is a lot that needs to be done. I have a bunch of things I need to tell Dorothy. I must sort through all of this. Give you gifts as congratulations for the pregnancy," he said, shaking his head in agony.

"Hey, hey. Shushhh," said Daphne, softly. Grabbing Alexanders chin, "I will see to it, okay? I will try to dissipate the rumors," she assured him, caressing his chin and tapping slightly on his shoulder, "But why are you dragging Dorothy into all of this?" she asked, tilting her head a little, "Do you, by any chance, like her?"

"If I like her?" said the Prince, snapping at Daphne, "I fucking LOVE her!" said Alexander, standing up, "My only wish is for her to look at me like she looks at the flowers in the palace garden. When she looks at the small rabbits. When she talks about horses. But more importantly, when she smiles at me. I want her to smile for me," finished the Prince, with both hands on his waist.

"Okay," said Daphne, picking the teacup to take a sip. She tilted her head towards Alexander, who was facing the window, "How do you know you 'LOVE' her?" she asked, "Are you sure those are the feelings you have for her?"

The Prince passed a hand through his blond hair, closed his eyes, and shook his head in agony, "I don't know what I feel anymore. I'm not even sure if this is called Love or Obsessiveness," he turned to look at Daphne, "Have I gone mad?" he said. His eyes squinted, as he spoke with a hurt expression and voice.

"Oh, Alex," said Daphne as she stood up and hugged her cousin, caressing his back, "It's okay to feel that way. Love is... a set of emotions. Very confusing, I know, but trust me when I tell you, that love involves care, closeness, protectiveness, attraction, affection, and trust," said Daphne breaking from the hug to grab Alexander's arms, and look directly into his eyes, "How do I know this? Because I'm married, am older than you, and because I have my ways,"

Alex laughed and asked Daphne to stay longer, but she told him she had plans with Dorothy already, but they would for sure talk the day after tomorrow for tea time.

Alexander saw her out of the palace and saw the car in the distance, disappear along with her dear cousin. Daphne's hair had gotten darker, it looked like a shade of lighter brown. Her eyes were still as brown as ever.

Alexander went to his favorite place to think. He went to the woods. And did what he always did when he was there. Think. He thought about how confusing the day was. How he discovered secrets, lies, and feelings. He also wondered if Daphne would keep secret what she was told. Alexander was also scared to take the English Throne when his older brother abdicated. All his life he was taught not to meddle with Nigel or the King, he was taught his role as a second Prince. What would he do? He was scared of losing Dorothy. He wanted to be with her at all times, "love involves care, closeness, protectiveness, attraction, affection, and trust," he remembered Daphne saying. Now he knew exactly what to do.

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