The rays of the sun broke through the glass doors of her studio as she stood there, looking through the photos she had just taken of her clients not so long ago.

She wiped off the hint of sweat that was on her forehead with the back of her hand as she looked up at the wall clock. It's lunch hour.

A smile spreads across her lips as she sighs in relief. She put down her camera carefully and did a bit of stretching.

"Ah, I am so hungry. A cup of noodles won't be too bad," she smiles to herself as she turns towards the glass doors of her studio.

I should put on the closed sign.

Y/n slowly walked towards the doors while stretching but was forced to halt on her steps when a suspicious-looking man barged in. 

"What the-"

He looked around normally until their eyes met. He walks closer and stops at a distance of a few steps. He suddenly leans closer to her face to take a closer look causing her to get flustered.

"Is there something on my face?"  She asks feeling self-conscious as she touches her face; hoping to remove the unseen dust off of her.

"Have you put on makeup?" He blurts out.

She blinks feeling confused then chuckles feeling shy. She shakes her head smiling ear to ear.

"Does it look like I have?" She asks shyly.

"No. I just thought you really need some," he responds nonchalantly.

She scoffs at his response. "And I don't think that's any of your business," she crosses her arms looking away in disbelief.

"Yes, it isn't. But you might get bullied for your looks," he says backing away, straightening his posture.

"Huh?" She was caught off guard. "I am not that bad-looking."

That's so random.

"I haven't since my childhood so why would I get bullied now? Anyway, that's not important. You should leave because we're closing," she says in a normal tone, trying to act cool.

"Who are we? I don't see anyone other than you," he asks, genuinely curious.

"Are you here to waste my time?" She says, starting to feel annoyed.

"Absolutely not. I am here to get my photos taken," he says firmly.

"That can't happen now because it's our closing time," she says trying to be reasonable.

"No, please. I've come from pretty far. I can't just leave without fulfilling my purpose. Can't you close after taking my photos?" He says, hoping for her to change her mind.

"Well, sir, I can not. It's lunch hour and I am starving right now."

"Please, I really need to get my photos taken. It's really important for me!" He says feeling desperate.

"Then you should go somewhere else. I really can't do this," she says shrugging.

"Please, can you not compromise? I can't run from studio to studio in this scorching heat," he says, fidgeting.

"Did you not take your car with you?"

"I took a taxi. My car has been sent for servicing."

She sighs. "Then you should go to the one across the road. It's only a few minutes away," she suggests.

"I can't," he replies, instantly declining.

"Why not?" She asks feeling confused.

"If I walk there the sun will directly hit my skin and I might get a tan from it. Besides can't you see by the way I've dressed? I am trying not to stand out. If people recognize me it'll be a huge hassle," he says in a serious tone.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 03 ⏰

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