Chapter 32

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Benks and I were walking when a group of about 10 guys jumped him. They weren't paying attention to me so when Benks told me to get out of there I went to the only person who I knew could help him.

I'm banging on his door and screaming his name just hoping he is home. Not long after the door wings open to reveal a very annoyed looking Wakasa. He opens his mouth to speak but I beat him to it, "Benks is in trouble, please help him."

Wakasas eyes widened. "Meet me at my bike" he looks over his shoulder at something in the apartment before I turn and run to his bike, Wakasa close behind.

"Get on, princess" he says as he swings one of his legs over the bike then extends his hand for me to take. I climb on and quickly wrap my arms around his waist telling him where Benks is. He takes off in the direction I told him.

We make it to Benks in record time. Wakasa quickly parks the bike before jumping off and running into the fight. Benks was able to take down six of the men but he is covered in blood. A few of them had weapons, mainly pipes but one had a knife. That's all I saw before taking off.

Wakasa grabs the guy that is on Benks and yanks him off before his fist connects with his face, knocking him out instantly. Benks and Wakasa fight the remaining guys, it isn't long before the fight is over, Wakasa and Benks winning. I knew Benks probably could have handled it alone but I was scared. When I saw the knife I took off to find help.

I run over to them and hug my brother looking over him to make sure he is okay. When I make sure he is fine except for some slight bruising and some cuts I turn to Wakasa. I gasp seeing him sitting on his knees panting. I run over to check on him, finding a knife stabbed into his side.

"Waka, you're hurt" I say, grabbing his face with both my hands. He grunts trying to stand. "This is nothing, princess" He says as he tries to stand again just to fall back down to his knees.

Benks grabs Wakasa and climbs on his bike with Wakasa behind him telling me to get behind Wakasa and make sure he doesn't fall off. I climb on, Wakasa leaning back against me coating my shirt in blood before Benks starts his engine and takes off.

The rest is a blur. 

We made it back home. Wakasa refused the hospital the whole time. I get off the bike followed by my brother. He grabs Wakas legs and I grab under his arms and hold him against me his head leaning against my shoulder. His breath is hitting my neck as we run up the stairs to our apartment. Benks kicks the door in not wanting to look for his key and we run in gently laying Waka down on the couch. I run to the bathroom and get all the first aid supplies we keep here.

The knife is still in his side. I hold his hand when Benks goes to pull it out pulling a loud grunt from Wakas lips and causing him to shove his head into my chest. I play with his hair trying to calm him down.

I clean the wound and apply pressure trying to stop the bleeding. "He needs stitches" Benks nods his head and goes to the bathroom to get what I need. This isn't the first time I've had to stitch someone. I've given Benks all his, learning how to do it at an early age because he always refused to go to the hospital. Benks is back quickly, giving me everything I need before he is running to his room telling me he can't watch me do that.

I quickly get to work.

I'm in between Wakasas legs. I just finished and wrapped him up. We talked the whole time trying to keep his mind off the pain.

"Thank you, princess" He says looking down at me with his gorgeous purple eyes. He licks his lips before biting them and letting it go. I do something I probably shouldn't. I climb onto his lap straddling him. His hands quickly land on my waist. "What are you-" I kiss him, cutting off his sentence. I feel him stiffen under me. I pull away and he doesn't kiss back. Tears filling in my eyes. I jump off him and run to my room, slamming the door shut and locking it behind me.

Seconds after I shut the door there is banging on my door and Wakasa saying my name telling me to answer.

Several minutes of him banging on the door I decided to answer it. Having to face whatever consequences he gives me. Opening the door he quickly walks in kicking the door shut behind him. He backs me up against my wall, leans down in my face. "If you're going to kiss me, princess. Do it right" The next thing I know his lips are on mine.

He tastes like cherries. 

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