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 It started like any other day, Floyd was just walking through a forest to visit one of the troll tribes. They held a guitar on their back as they looked around at the trees that towered over them. Floyd had this good idea to visit the rock trolls, since that was one of their favorite tribes. They didn't really understand why they liked the rock trolls, it was just something about their whole...vibe that was just appealing to Floyd. They quietly hummed "I'm Not Okay (I Promise)" by MCR as they looked around at the sky. Birds flew overhead and Floyd smiled to themself, they really liked being out here in the peace and quiet of nature. It was nice and it took their mind off of the past...took their mind off of the haunting thoughts that their family...their brothers were dead. Floyd's body shock with the thought and they quickly looked for something to distract their mind ... There! Floyd slowly walked towards a weird looking bush. The bush looked like it was made out of...noodles? "What..?" Floyd mumbled as they cautiously walked up to the bush. They hesitantly tapped on the strange bush thing and it...started moving?! Floyd quickly took five steps backwards and hid in an actual bush.

They watched as the bush was picked up and put onto a really pale noodle looking thing. There were two of these things and Floyd's gut was saying that these things were trouble, so they just sat there, in the bush, studying the noodle things. One of the noodles sighed "If we want to be famous, we're gonna need troll!" Floyd tiled their head with a little bit of confusion "Troll? Why do they need trolls..?" At this moment Floyd made one of the worst mistakes of their life. They walked out of their hiding spot in the bush and looked up at the noodles "..Hey..Hi.." They waved at the noodles shyly. "Oh, look sis, one seemed to have heard you. Hello little guy" The noodle smiled at Floyd and waved. The other noodle looked down at Floyd and quickly grabbed them, stuffing them in a purple perfume bottle. The male noodle looked worried "Sis be careful with them, it's so small..." The female noodle looked at the other with a 'bitch, shut up' look "You really think I care?" She rolled her eyes and peered into the bottle with a smile that Floyd had only ever seen on a bounty hunter. "Let me out of here!" They shouted at the evil looking noodle. "Ha, you really think I'm going to listen to you?" She tapped on the glass and it rattled Floyd's head, causing them to have a headache. They covered their pointed ears and looked away from the noodle lady. "Sis, I don't thin-" The other noodle tried to say before the one interrupted him "I don't care what you think Veneer!" Veneer looked at his sister with a little bit of fear in his eyes before nodding "..Right, right..Sorry..I forgot.." His sister smiled at him and forcefully gave him the diamond perfume bottle then walked away.

Veneer watched his sister leave and sighed, looking down at the bottle. "Sorry about her..She isn't normally like this..." Floyd looked at Veneer and frowned "I'm not sure I believe that..." The green haired noodle looked at the troll "Well you're gonna have to believe it" Floyd flinched and nodded at the noodle. They sat down and looked at the purple surroundings, what was going to happen to them? They really didn't like this feeling, it was...odd. They looked around at the purple tinted trees and their eyes started to tear up. "Please let me out of here...I don't like this.." They hit their hands onto the glass. Veneer looked at the troll "Too bad, I can't let you go.." He turned his head to look at his sister. "Velvet, do you hear this guy? He says that he wants to be let go" The other noodle person looked back at Veneer. "Oh does it now? Too bad, we need it for the rage dome show!" Velvet laughed and walked over to a strange looking vehicle. Veneer followed his sister into the vehicle, studying Floyd as he got in. "Sis, he looks kinda cute, look at him.." He handed his sister the bottle and she aggressively took it out of his hand. "Ack-!" Floyd hit their head into one of the diamond walls as Velvet looked at them. "Yes, it's very cute Veneer" She rolled her eyes and tossed the bottle back to Veneer. "Ow-!" Floyd held their head and layed on the cold diamond ground. Veneer looked at them with a small hint of guilt in his face.

The vehicle drove away quickly from the forest the three were in. The two noodles talked back and forth about what songs they should sing at their performance. Floyd sat there, in the stupid bottle, crying. They kept thinking "If you didn't leave him those twenty years ago, you wouldn't be here" "You're so stupid" "You shouldn't have talked to these two" Those thoughts wrapped around Floyd's head as they wrapped themself in a tiny ball of sadness.

Floyd hadn't even realized that they were in a room, on top of a vanity next to a bunch of different make up. They wiped away the tears that were on their face and slowly sat up. They looked around, not seeing the noodles anywhere. "...Hello..?" Floyd called out with a shaky voice. "...Mm, yes...Hi..!" An annoying voice said from down below. "..Uh..Where...where are you..?" Floyd asked. "Down here...!" An orange pile of paper replied. "Oh..." Floyd looked blankly at the paper and she blankly looked at Floyd. Both of them stayed like that until Velvet came in and kicked a chair and Veneer followed slowly behind. Velvet aggressively grabbed the bottle and sprayed herself in troll essence. Floyd gasped and fell onto the bottom of the purple bottle, hitting their head. Veneer watched with guilt as his sister started to slowly kill the pink haired troll. Velvet sang a little bit and grinned "Ven, did you hear that? I sound amazing again!" Veneer nodded "Yep! You sound amazing..!" Floyd quickly stood up and hit their fist into the walls "Let me out of here!" Velvet looked at Floyd and chuckled "Mm, let me think about that ... .Hm, okay" Floyd looked at her for a moment "Wait, really?" Velvet laughed "No! Do you really think I'm like that?!" Floyd frowned "I wish you were..." Velvet laughed some more "Oh well, that sucks for you!" She threw the bottle and walked out of the room. "Ow-!" Floyd hit their head into the diamond wall again. Veneer carefully walked over to the bottle "Are you okay...?"

Trapped In Diamond (Trolls Band Together Au Remake)Where stories live. Discover now