~Am I In A Nightmare...?~

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"Are you okay...?" twisted in Floyd's mind for a few moments, what could they say "No, I'm not okay, I want to go back to my brothers that I haven't seen in twenty years and that could possibly be dead?" They couldn't say that, so they just stayed silent and looked up at Veneer. "Oh, don't want to speak..? Alright, that makes sense..." Veneer looked at the ground for a moment "Hey, do you want something to eat..? Like a strawberry or something..?" They looked at Veneer blankly. "Food...? Food.. Food...!" Floyd nodded quickly. Veneer smiled and walked to the kitchen (Shut up, they have one) and grabbed a strawberry half the size of Floyd. "Woah, you're tinier than I thought.." Veneer mumbled and carefully opened the bottle. He threw the strawberry into the diamond and closed it back up. Floyd looked at the giant berry that was in front of them, stunted that it was half their size. "...Maybe I am tiny.." They mumbled and started nibbling the giant berry. They sat down after about five minutes and it didn't even look like the strawberry was eaten. They looked at the strawberry and frowned, realizing that was probably their food for as long as they were trapped in the diamond.

After a few hours Velvet came back and started yelling at the weird paper thing for being annoying. To be honest, Floyd found it funny at first but the more Velvet kept yelling the more they thought of the brozone break up and the more they wanted to not live anymore. They hated this, they wanted to leave this place and find their brothers....to find Branch. They promised that they would come back someday, but never did and it was starting to hurt them mentally. They really wanted to get out of the bottle and to be free again. They sat down and put their knees to their chest. Thoughts started to flood Floyd's mind. "You're all alone." "You're so stupid" "You should have just killed yourself that night you left him" "You are worthless" "No one is going to save you." They started to cry silently to make sure not to attract attention to themself. They stayed like that for a sad thirty minutes before they wiped their face clean of tears. Floyd looked down at their feet and noticed that they weren't a bright blue anymore but more of a blue-gray color.

Floyd stares at their feet in shock. This couldn't happen again....Could it..? They shook their head and sighed. Floyd then remembered that they had a small mirror in their back pocket. They took it out and looked at themself for a moment before breaking it. Floyd watched the shattered mirror fall to the bottom of the bottle and faintly smiled. Were they going to do this again...? They stared at the broken mirror, lost in thought. Floyd picked up a piece and quickly made a broken heart on their arm. Blood started to puddle on their arm and that's when Floyd snapped out of the trance they were in. They stared at their arm, full of worry and fear. "This wasn't supposed to happen again! What did you do, you fucking dumbass!?" Floyd started crying again but this time the crying was noticeable.

Velvet walked over. "Hey, shut it, you stupid troll..!" She grabbed the bottle and peered inside and saw the strawberry, along with the mirror shards. She opened the bottle and grabbed the strawberry but didn't care about the shards. Velvet closed the bottle, threw it into a wall and walked away with Floyd's only source of food. Floyd yelped as glass shards sliced their skin as the diamond hit the wall and fell to the ground. They looked around at the blood that was now on the walls of the diamond bottle. Their body shook and their breathing became faster. They started to cry again "All your fault...! Stupid, stupid, stupid" ran through Floyd's mind. They curled up into a tiny ball of fear and worry. Their body shook as they kept crying.

After about an hour, Floyd managed to cry themself to sleep (Which was probably a good thing). They looked around and they could only see white, white, and more white, then a dark blue figure walked towards them. Floyd stayed quiet, they learned from the last time they called out to someone. The figure walked closer and put its cold hand on Floyd's cheek. Another figure, this one a greenish color, also walked towards Floyd. This figure hugged Floyd from behind and another two figures came towards Floyd, one purple and one a dark greenish-blue. The figures surrounded Floyd and gave them a sad hug before the figures all turned red and started chasing Floyd through a now black space. Floyd ran and ran as fast as their legs could go but the red figures caught up with them. Floyd quickly sat up, panting. "What was that?!" Floyd started to touch their body to make sure that they were alive right now. "Who were those figures...? Why did they feel so familiar...?"

Floyd looked out the purple diamond to see the weird paper thing next to it. They jumped at the sight of her. "..Sorry..." The paper said quietly due to it being around three A.M "...So.." Floyd looked at the weird paper and quickly hid their arms behind their back. "...So...what..?" Floyd replied "I don't know...I wanted you to say something..." The paper responded. "Oh...well okay...What's your name and what are you doing here...?" Floyd asked. "..I'm Crimp, and I'm here because I work for Velvet and Veneer..." The paper said sort of proudly. "..What is your job exactly...?" Floyd asked. "Well I-..." Crimp then went on for forty-five minutes straight talking about her job as being the twins' assistant. Floyd stared at her blankly and started to talk to themself in their mind "Am I in a nightmare...?"

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