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After what seemed like a minute of being unconscious during battle and war, the once knocked out cameraman has finally self rebooted himself, a slight painful tingling sensation in his camera-head occurring which seems to bother him. With slowness and gentleness, he steadily grips his camera-head to try to ease the tiny pain and at the same time he tries to remember what bashed him into this situation in the first place. Unfortunately for the brown coated cameraman, he can't recall whatever happened before this, a sudden electrical sparkling setting a burst of energy throughout his body. He concludes that it doesn't really matter and only gets up from the ground without any problem, wiping the dirt off his brown trousers and unnecessarily adjusting his yellow purple tie without much reason. The cameraman looks ahead and finds out he is lucky to not have been destroyed while he was passed out, but now he has to look at the aftermath of what has happened to his deactivated allies for all he can do now is hope for the medic cameramen to arrive eventually, gazing at them for just a few seconds and sensing some guilt build up in his chest. When he leans his camera-head up to look at the blazing town, he can spot the flying Upgraded G-Man Toilet lasering something not too important before soaring off into the unseen, continuing to sing his over-slowed skibidi song and presumably to carry on with his rampage. At that time, something or rightly somebody gets the brown coated cameraman's attention with the sound of electronic glistening, his camera-head looking over to see his downed and damaged comrade on the floor with his legs missing, electric particles emitting from his unattended waist. The friend who's about to shut down glances up to the yet fine cameraman and without any vocal noise he gives a thumbs down, all before laying back down to briefly slump in calmness. Camera-heads aren't the ones to speak too much or to make up a conversation with another, all they do to communicate together is to use their body movements and emotions, whether for instance that is flipping off a skibidi toilet to offend them or giving a lengthy stare of loss at another cameraman because they accidentally messed up on something important. With that, before the cameraman could even help his unlucky fallen ally, a smoking explosion is perceived which leads to him peering at where it came from, discerning a floating buzzsaw skibidi toilet in the burning distance where it already leaves his sight. The brown coated cameraman only stood there with the thought that there was going to be another skibidi toilet that popped into view, gazing for a while without realizing what was about to approach him, perhaps he shouldn't have stared for so long because the cameraman is soon shoved to the ground by a buzzsaw spider skibidi toilet. Attempting to fight back, he tries to kick it away from him with a single foot to avoid the saw blade but unfortunately that only made the skibidi toilet angrier, supported by the expression on his face changing and as a result it punched his camera-head not many times as his attacks were quite packed, making the cameraman fall to his back with exhaustion. The entity goes back to grinning with malicious intent as it moves its saw blade closer to the cameraman on purpose to execute him, during all of this it kept chanting the skibidi toilet song that all of them always perform. Nevertheless, before it can even lay a single cut on him the noise of glass smashing is heard and unexpectedly the glasses of the skibidi toilet are now broken, both wondering what just happened while they both look to what or particularly who caused it. Hearing the footsteps coming from them, it turns out to be some TV man...no, not a TV man. Correctly, they were a woman with their clothing aspect alike to a TV man aside from the historic and vintage 1960s-1980s TV head, her hands set beyond her back and her screen as of now just blank. With no one else around except the Ohio toilet that has the opportunity to harm him but doesn't, the brown coated cameraman couldn't help but gaze at this so called TV woman until after she shortly slanted forward and flashed her screen a bright gleaming orange, the light reaching out to the skibidi toilet and igniting it into a black brittle crisp. Accompanied by the death of an enemy, he made an effort to get up from the ground but his camera-head straight away fizzes from the previous hard charged hits and he only drops back down, holding it in which it begins to send an aching perception. Some other detonation catches his lenses and there goes the dangerous flying buzzsaw skibidi toilet from earlier, the cameraman beginning to crawl back with his sight focused on the threat that could easily cut them into two with the thought that he and the woman are doomed, starting to discern some worries for her. Despite that when he least expected it, a TV head comes flying into his sight and soon latches onto the neck of the close skibidi toilet, blue electricity directly released before the controlled adversary hovering over the fog and crashing into a faintly seen skibidi toilet that was approaching without the cameraman's regard, causing a large bang to occur and for debris to launch everywhere in the area. Soon after, the TV head which the brown coated cameraman centers their observation on attaches to her body without a problem. He hesitantly lifts his hand to give her a thumbs up but then decides not to with the thought that it would've made him look weird or that she would probably judge him in a way, all of that preliminary to the fire behind her increasing in size and the commotion of the skibidi toilets swiftly proceeding towards her and him. When the cameraman believes this situation couldn't have gotten more compounded, the TV woman glances at him and exhibits an >w< face on her monitor which presently shines a pinkish purple, the cameraman without much thought put into his action takes a photo of the TV woman without her knowing for the reason of printing it as paper later, all in advance of the woman drifting to him and gently embracing the cameraman. In the end, she inundated the two of them with a gust of black fumes at the same time they stare at each other, the cameraman doing his hardest to not reveal any blushes on his camera lenses because he thinks the TV woman now is kind of cute. The tender hug that he identifies is warm and protective at a comfortable rate and it causes the cameraman to look away in embarrassment as they're being teleported wherever the TV woman is to bring him. It gets more awkward when he decides to look back at her slowly and the face on her screen has alternated into an OwÃ", the TV woman's head tilting to the left in confusion of the cameraman. "?gnorw gnihtemos ereht sl." Whatever the TV woman said seemed to be in reverse and it only partially demented him before he had to figure out what she said, as an answer he waved his hand in a way that signaled everything was okay before he looked back to the side for the remaining time. There was a short time of silence where it was peaceful and quiet which helped to slightly reduce the pain in his camera-head, however, the peace was interrupted when she started talking again. "?suovren uoy erA" He only responded by shaking his camera-head left to right without even turning at her, the cuteness was getting to him and he wouldn't admit that it was at all. "?erus uoy erA" The cameraman eventually looked back at the TV woman who has an OwO shown on her monitor, the smugness pretty much saying that she's aware that the cameraman is somewhat lying. He still didn't want to admit the truth but he nodded to show that he was sure, glancing in the direction where he couldn't see her again. Maybe, just maybe she should stop teasing him and bring him somewhere where the medic cameramen could repair him, and so after some time of transporting she has the both of them teleported into what seems to be a medical room and she carefully places him on top of a bed. When he glances over to the UwU face displaying the TV woman, she becomes covered in dark smoke and vanishes before the cameraman can even give a thumbs up to her or do anything similar to that. Atlas, the brown coated cameraman, knows that he is tired and starts to feel his arms and legs becoming heavy as he lies down on the bed, his camera-head pointed towards the wall as he can see his vision slowly disappearing into the darkness. Before he completely passes out, he is quite certain that he for a fact kind of likes the woman on TV, perhaps he has a potential crush on her.

(Yes I know this is just a copy and paste however if I were to just drop the new chapters without context it would be rather confusing to you readers)

The brown coated camera and the Tv maidenWhere stories live. Discover now