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With what little thoughts and notions he could to a certain extent create with severe struggling due to the parasite messing with his mind, there was a lot he discerned during the period of time but it was mostly suffering, agony, sorrow, and regret, his own repeated and hushed skibidi toilet singing sickening his mind and making him want to vomit his insides out despite that he cannot even. His neck telt like his own energy was being drained from his anatomy and for all that his body still kept going without much endurance or stamina, his limbs aching and soreing from the previous raid the parasite forced him to do. During the time he kept slowly walking to the g-man skibidi toilet up ahead while grasping firmly onto the tie of a hapless cameraman who was too weak to fight back, he felt extreme guilt when he was forced to kill his own friends and teammates involuntarily, similarly he also felt bad when he had to kidnap this cameraman for interrogation and make his potential become something inferior, his fit of anger concealed under the actions of the scrounger that's irritating him. When he convinced himself that he would finally be freed and saved from his allies, it was all pushed away like Jenga blocks when it was found out that the freeloader was securely clung to his neck and not able to be removed whatsoever, his aspiration strayed away and fallen into the dark echoey nothingness that there is inside him. At the moment that the plugged away cameraman reached the g-man toilet who turned around to see the two, with his new upgrades and healed scars smiled with evil glee to see them both, impressed that the brown coated cameraman had done ever since his first blitz. The brown coated cameraman threw the tired cameraman onto the floor who soon started to quiver from terror and fatigue, thus far aware of what his destiny could become when this is all done with, his knees and hands planted deep onto the cold floor. A skibidi toilet approached the exhausted cameraman with a marker and whiteboard in its mouth and spat it out at his camera-head, drifting away to another place to which he flipped over the whiteboard and saw some marked text saying "Where is your base or where are they?" He looked up and flinched when he saw the G-Man's convulsing angry face, turning his head back down and picking up the black marker with an eraser on the end of the cap. If he wasn't watched from behind by his own brainwashed partner, so drained of his own vitality, or wasn't at the mercy of the g-man toilet, he would 've been hurtling across the facility with paranoia and doing his best to keep away from the skibidi toilets that pop up in his way. Intellectually gulping dread down his gullet, the cameraman went ahead and hurriedly wrote on the board, flipping it to the other side and showing the toilet leader what he wrote. "They're somewhere far away from here." This only agitated it which he replied by releasing smoke from his lasers as its head mildly shook everywhere and he frowned with exposed teeth, terrifying the cameraman to make him erase the text and write something else, showing the g-man skibidi toilet once again. "They're at a city." Because he wasn't very specific enough on which city it was, the irritated conveying g-man toilet turned to the infected brown coated cameraman and started to speak to him with a displeased voice. "brrrrr skibidi dop dop (Hurt him until he talks.)" Not daring to at any rate go against his "leader's" order, he walked to the cameraman to lift him up by the neck and held him up in the air as he panted for some, the cameraman gazing at the brown coated cameraman with a faint stare of not wanting to be hurt while he clasped onto the hand choking his neck, still being injured many times since he was punched in the forecamera-head to the point of it releasing gas and vapor out of a created hole, a lot of enjoyment and entertainment to the grinning g-man toilet. The cameraman who now has broken lenses miraculously caught at least one fist, patting the brown coated cameraman's hand to be let go seeing that he will write something else on the whiteboard, shortly falling to the ground and ending up on his back while he rolled over and crawled towards the whiteboard. Picking up the black marker, he again wrote with trouble and blue liquid coming out of his cracked open head, some of it landing on the whiteboard.
In brief, he showed the g-man skibidi toilet what he wrote, it soon liking what he marked down which eventually made the toilet delighted. "They're in London." "skibidi (London, huh?)" Some curious skibidi toilets glanced over to hear and view the white board, the g-man toilet turning to them. "skibidi dop dop dop yes yes skibidi dabodu diiiip dip skibidi ski (Go gather some of our strongest toilets and follow the brown coated cameraman.)" Straight away after hearing they hurry away to tell the others about the order, the g-man toilet facing the brown coated cameraman. "skibidi skibidi skibidi brrrrr skibidi dop dop dop (Lead them to London. When you get there, throw that worthless trash at them.)" He nodded and did what it said by seizing the now blue fluid seeping cameraman, his back being dragged against the ground as he watched himself lead a small blue trail of ink at the same time that a great group of differentiating skibidi toilets follow the brown coated cameraman, the very badly injured one feeling himself about to fall asleep in peace throughout the time that his head tingles in pain. Several hours went by as the skibidi toilets followed the cameraman in the brown coat and the unconscious cameraman, holding his rocket launcher in one hand and the cameraman's tie in the blue covered other, looking up at where they were planning to attack after just merely steering clear of the titan cameraman and titan speakerman. They previously heard the angry roar of the titan speakerman echoing to them nearby, the toilets sensing a cold and shivery sensation down their flush valves, the brown coat wearing cameraman hardly really caring at all. The infected cameraman wearing a brown coat clutched his rocket launcher and the unawakened cameraman's tie with confidence as this has been the fourth time he has raided a cameraman base or colony at the side of skibidi toilets, the previous two assaults were easier given the fact that there were barely any cameramen there to defend or call for help, his camera-head for a short time jerking up forcibly with a power speck discharged. Examining onward of him were only a few surviving cameramen that were jumping off a lamp pole and the so far demolished city of London, there laid hardly any toilet cadavers that were undoubtedly killed off by the titan speakerman and there were many deactivated bodies of cameramen put down in all directions of the place. As an order when the surviving cameramen spotted the large group of skibidi toilets and the brown coated cameraman leading them, he let go of the knocked out cameraman and pointed at them to which the varying skibidi toilets began to charge at them when they undertook making a break for it, him observing one out of luck camera over fallen debris and get jumped by 3 Toilets. The bloodsucker compelling him to tell the rest of the toilets that are following him to search for the rest of the alliance, them doing what "he commanded" as they spread out throughout the streets hunting down the remaining cameramen. Abruptly catching the sounds of helicopter rotor blades spinning, he tilted his camera-head skywards and identified cameramen helicopters approaching London city, firing his RPG at one of the vehicles and exploding it, reloading it with another laser-guided rocket and grasping onto the unconscious cameraman's back collar with his other hand still holding the RPG handle. Once one helicopter takes a swift landing on the ground, out comes some unprepared medic cameramen with welders and elongated tools, him scoffing this off and without giving them a chance to even fight he launches an additional rocket at the helicopter filled with unlucky medic cameramen, causing a large blast and a big piece of shrapnel to abruptly bounce off along with hitting the concrete. As he stood by for additional cameramen to make an appearance, more cameramen helicopters came to his location and the doors opened up with more cameraman medics holding their repairing tools improvised to be weapons, the cameraman in the brown coat roughly handing over the still passed out cameraman he had been holding captive to them with his body making a very rough landing, standing there and watching one of the medic cameramen taking the conked one into their helicopter, presumably fixing his messed up body. Some other gate opening noise is heard from another cameramen helicopter when it puts in an appearance, particular individuals exiting out which the managed cameraman took note of, behind what's controlling him he didn't want to kill or fight any more of the alliance, the black camerawoman and the perturbed TV woman to which both he and she make sight contact for a short time, the TV woman taking out some type of device and pressing a button on it. Hearing some of the assorting skibidi toilets showing up behind him, he signals them with his hand and arm to not strike yet and they slowly back up, the infected cameraman pocketing his final laser-guided rocket into his RPG and keeping it directed to the ground until it's time to charge, some cameraman tanks arriving besides some differing armed cameramen. The situation implies it has converted into one of those battles where one enemy team waits for the other to charge prior to also charging, but before that can start some jetpack flying cameraman holding two mechanical plungers moves into the scene in front of the alliance which gets the attention of the cameraman wearing a brown coat,
setting his feet down to the ground and putting himself into his iconic fighting stance with the metal plungers in a ninja sword held pose. He realizes that this is the upgraded plunger cameraman with an altered appearance, a shining blue chest core, some type of shoulder cannon, fresh machine-like legs, an electrical aura going around him, and finally some type of protection around his neck that comes across as preventing any parasitic skibidi toilet to latch on and control the plunger cameraman. Each side about to fight to the death gazes at each other with toughened expressions, the skibidi toilets continuing to sing their skibidi song and the alliance making themselves prepared as this event takes on, everybody still waiting for one of the peeps to begin an assault so they can too. Seconds pass and the clock ticks while the medic cameramen who arrived on the other side of the city carefully find shut down cameramen to mend, the brown coated cameraman's head spasming painfully with the indistinct belief that they're probably here to take him down and then kill him for what "he has done." Relatively oblivious to his broken mind, the alliance's actual purpose as of now is to take down the skibidi toilets present and to remove that parasite securely adhered to his neck when he is defeated, intending to later restore the brown coated cameraman back to standard health if everything goes successfully, something which TV woman wants to happen swiftly.

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