Chapter 9:

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Demi "are we busy today", JoJo "yes, I actually have some photos to be taken of me and prepare for my new music video to come out", Demi "ooh I'm so proud of you", JoJo "thanks, do you have any upcoming albums or anything", Demi "actually yes, I have a song about self love that's coming out. It's called I love me", JoJo "you know I'm gonna be so proud of you when that comes out", Demi "yeah. Enough of about me lol, I'm so proud of you", JoJo "thanks", she said blushing. JoJo "is Avery up", Demi "I think so, she's been talking about your new song and how she can't wait to see you film the music video", JoJo "Avery baby, we have to start going", Avery "I'm coming mommy", Demi "okay baby", they headed outside to their car. Demi "let's get going", Demi drove to the location of JoJo's video shooting. Demi "is this the place", JoJo "yeah", Avery "mommy are your outfits here", JoJo "yeah. Do you two wanna get some food or breakfast while I get all glammed up", Demi "sure. Baby let's go get some breakfast and then come back to meet here with mommy", Avery "okay. Bye mommy, have fun getting all glammed up", JoJo "I will my love", JoJo headed inside while Demi and Avery left to the store to get breakfast. JoJo headed inside to get her makeup done and get ready for her shoot. Demi "what do you want for breakfast my love", Avery "Dunkin please mama", Demi "should we get mommy a drink, her coffee", Avery "yeah", Demi and Avery got breakfast, and they headed to the studio. Avery "is mommy inside", Demi "yeah. Mommy is inside right now, she's filming right now".

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@ ddlovatoMy beautiful baby in her element

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@ ddlovato
My beautiful baby in her element. Love seeing her do her thing, for one she's incredibly talents and her voice is out of this world. Her music puts a smile on my face, can't wait till her new music video is out. Her new single is called man and it releases soon. Stay tuned, baby I'm so proud of you, keep up the amazing work and music. You know you always amaze me with that beautiful angelic voice of yours, and the talent you have, our daughter idolizes you so much, you are incredibly special and I'm so lucky to call you my fiance. I'm so proud of you and I can't wait for your music video to be released, I'm so proud of you baby girl!

They headed inside, Avery "mommy", JoJo "there's my sweet girl", she said picking her up, Avery "you look really pretty mommy", JoJo "thank you my sweets", Avery "this is for you mommy", JoJo "aww baby you did not have to get me anything", Demi "gotta make sure you're hydrated, it's hot out there", JoJo "yeah it is", Avery was playing on her tablet while Demi and JoJo had been chatting for some time. Demi "so I've got something to ask you", JoJo "okay. What is my love", Demi "do you want more kids", JoJo "of course I want more kids, I really want more kids. You know I didn't even want a whole family until I met you", Demi "you're the sweetest, I love you so much". "JoJo we are gonna start filming again", JoJo "I've gotta get behind those cameras", Demi "you go shine baby girl", she said kissing her on the hand. As JoJo continued with the filming of her music video, Demi's phone began to ring. Demi "hello", Dianna "hey baby", Demi "hi mom, what's up", Dianna "nothing much, I just wanted to call and check in on you. Did you enjoy your first Mother's Day", Demi "yeah. I had so much, it was so much to just spend the day with my two favorite girls. I'm really sorry I didn't spend as much time with you that day", Dianna "no my love. You don't have to apologize it's OK, I'm actually glad that you got to spend the day with your girls, and just have a lovely day", Demi "thank you mom, that means a lot to me. Other than that, how are you doing", Dianna "I'm good, just having a game night with the family. You know I wish you could be here with us", Demi "I'm actually at a film shoot right now, JoJo is currently filming her new music video right now and Avery is playing on her tablet. It's the only thing keeping her occupied right now, even though it's almost her nap time", Dianna "so did the two of you check out wedding venues yet", Demi "no mom. We actually wanna work on that with you and her mom too. We don't wanna play this wedding alone even though it's our wedding. We need all the help we can get", Dianna "of course I'll help you. You know that, I'll see if I could look up a few venues and we'll go through it together. You and your fiancé can go through them", Demi "yeah. Mom", Dianna "yes my love", Demi "I want to kind of perform for her but I'm kind of nervous", Dianna "do you wanna sing, or something", Demi "yeah. I am actually thinking of singing a cover song for her and performing it for her", Dianna "you're so sweet. She's gonna love that", Avery "mama I'm tired", Demi "come here my love", Avery put her tablet down by JoJo's bag and climbed into Demi's lap, Demi "mom I gotta call you back later. Baby girl is pretty tired and I've gotta get her down for a nap", Dianna "okay. Just call me later, if you don't we talk tomorrow", Demi "okay mom. I love you", Dianna "I love you too my love", Demi hung up the phone, Demi "close your eyes baby. Shh, just close your eyes. Do you know what's it's like to feel so in the dark. To dream about a life, where you're the shining star, even though it seems like it's too far away. I have to believe in myself it's the only way. This is real, this is me, I'm exactly where I'm supposed to be down, gonna let the light, shine on me. Now I found who I am, there's no way to hold it in, no more hiding who I used to be, this is me. You're the voice I hear inside my head, the reason that I'm singing, I need to find you, I've gotta find you", when she stopped singing she looked down to notice her baby girl sleeping. While Avery napped, Demi watched as her fiance continued to film her music video, until the video was finally done being recorded.

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