Reducing Risks

222 16 14

Day 38

Sabre's P.O.V.


"AAAAA!" I jolt awake as a high-pitched beeping fills the room, followed by a piercing shriek of alarm. I sit up just in time to see Green throw my alarm clock across the room.

"Woah woah woah!" I frantically scramble out of bed as Green's hands begin to glow, ready to decimate the little machine. I reach for the alarm with one hand and press the button, making it fall silent. "It's okay."

Green eyes the clock distrustfully as I set it back on my nightstand. The world slowly rights itself as the blood stops rushing to my head and the adrenaline dies down. Between the eventful wake-up and the eight hours of sleep I just got, I'm definitely feeling awake for the day.

Violet Leader gave direct orders to the Colorless Guard to double-check my sleep schedule, and under fear that they would find Green in my house, I decided to obey. Maybe Violet Leader's right, because I do feel a lot better, even if I have to deal with a very confused, very skittish Green.

"Sorry." Green mumbles, pulling M's spare cloak tighter around himself. "It... sounded like the village alarms." I don't ask what he means as I pull some clothes out of my closet.

"It's alright, Green. Just wait downstairs, okay? Don't go outside. I'll be down in a second."

He obligingly leaves, letting me get ready in peace. I sigh, glancing out of the window toward the street, where a few steves are out for early morning chores. They hurry more than usual, but at least they're outside. The last time the kingdom faced danger, nobody wanted to leave their house.

Speaking of not leaving the house...

I hurry through my routine, knowing the upcoming talk I need to have. When I arrive back downstairs, Green is waiting patiently at the table, eyes fixed on me.

"Here." I tell him, tossing him an apple and taking one for myself. I sit across from him, and we munch in silence as I try to figure out how to break the news.

"Sabre? Are you okay?" he asks after a while.

"Yeah." I assure him. "I've just got a lot to do today." It's true. I've already planned to visit the Red Kingdom again while I can. Violet Leader told me to take the day off, which means he probably has a lot planned for me during the upcoming weeks. My days of sneaking off without notice seem to be over. "Also, I need to talk to you."

"About healing the others?" Green asks hopefully.

"No, about staying secret." I correct him. He looks confused, so I carefully explain. "I'm sure you've noticed that the steves around here are a little different than the ones you're used to." He quickly nods. "Well, because you look different, I'm not sure how much they'll trust you, especially your powers." I say in a rush. "Your energy is- well- way stronger than theirs. They might see you as a threat."

"But... I'm not."

"They don't know that."



"Do I have to stay here?"  Green twists the apple core around in his hands, watching it as it spins.  He won't meet my eyes.  "There are infected steves everywhere!  What if I get sick again?  Can't I just evacuate and build a home somewhere else?"

Panic builds in my chest.  If Green goes out on his own, he might get himself hurt, or in trouble.  At least here, the infected are in quarantine, and the streets are guarded from crime.  Who knows what infected steves are still roaming around outside?  Besides, if he uses his powers... someone might get seriously hurt.

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