Being rough wasnt included🫀

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Ima write this as I write the other Mialotte story! This is smut so don't read this if your not comfortable! (I've only written smut like 2 times so don't come for me if it sucks.Just to say it's not complete smut!)

Timeline: Mia and Char go home after the breakout and the meet in the bar.
Mia wants to relief Char and it works.


The car ride home was awkward. The taxi driver kept eyeing Mia down and I couldnt hide my jealousy. Even Mia knew.

The uber eventually dropped us off and finally someone talked.

"Sweetie, are you alright?" I nodded as she grasped my necklace.

Mia knew all the ways to make me flustered, she knew this herself.

"Are you sure, I saw the way you looked at that woman, I'm yours and only yours Char." She pulled me closer to her and I couldn't help but smile.

"Prove it.." I whispered to her, she seemed surprised I was being flirty, after 2 seconds of shock, she grabbed my wrist not hard but gently and pinned me to her front door.

I crumbled under her touch.

"And how do I do that darling?" She whispered to me, I couldn't respond. She was so hot... maybe it was hot she was doing this in public infront of her neighbours.

"Are you gonna answer, you should know by now don't make empty threats with me sweetie.." I closed my eyes holding in a groan as she stared at me with such intensity.

I nodded and finally gave in,"take me to bed Mia, I need you, please.." I was lost in those deep, glistening blue eyes which undressed me with every word I said. Mia leaned into my shoulder and nibbled on the skin slightly causing my chest to heave.

"Was it that hard?" She whispered as the bites continued.

"Hmm.." I lightly moaned and opened the door with messy movements and took her inside.

"Please.." I begged Mia as I looked up to her.

"What baby..?" She questioned as she touched my thighs.

"Say it." Mia gritted through her teeth and I folded completely then.


Last night lasted 3 hours, 7 rounds, my neck and legs have hickeys spread around like a constellation, my hairs a mess. Mia is next to me, her chest heaving up and down as she sleeps peacefully in her black bra and matching panties. I smiled looking down her body as she was also covered in hickeys.

It was 5am, I needed my daily coffee. I got up took a random dressing gown and went to the kitchen which was marble and limestone.

She was rich. . Not the only reason why in attracted to her but also makes her quite hot aswell. Honestly I couldn't care whether she was on the streets or in a mansion, I'd still have her as herself.

I thought that too myself as I heard footsteps downstairs.

It was Mia, still in her matching lingerie. By now I should be used to seeing this, she's just too attractive for me not too though.

I smiled as she came down to me and wrapped her hands around my waist leaving even more kisses around the crook of my neck.

"How are you baby? Walking fine?" She asked mischievously. I gave her a little push and kissed her forehead.

"I can walk perfectly fine!" I responded.

"Uh huh, I didn't just hear you topple fron side to side.. the only thing keeping you up was the the banister right?" Mia gently held my waist as I made coffee and toast.

I huffed and nodded, trying to hide my embarrassment.

"Mhm there we go, no need to lie to me sweetheart.." I nodded as she kissed my already purple neck.

"Did a number on you last night huh?" Mia continued, I just groaned and she pulled up and smiled.

I hummed a yes as she left her face in the crook of my neck.

I couldn't take it anymore. I turned around and kissed Mia. Then again...and again until eventually I found myself upstairs in her bed again with Mja on top of me..again. Is this a never ending cycle? If so please don't ever end...


A short one cuzzzz yup but anyway give recommendations below, yes I will do smut obviously and fluff. This can be either Mialotte, as shown here, Wintumn or Marjoreece! (I'll do other uncanon ships if you want!)

Love youu guys! Hope you enjoyed!


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