Your at home💔🤍

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Warning:Panic attacks mentioned!

Marjories pov:

I was sat in my office when a teary eyed parent came in.

"Awh Laura, what's wrong?" I questioned and she just sobbed even more. I sighed then incited the 'crying parent' protocol.

"Name, place, time?" I pulled out my notebook and she just mumbled.

"It's no-one it's...staff." she whispered and I shot her a confused look, Laura has never had a problem with any of the staff all 4 years of her children coming here.

"Oh ok hun, who and why?" I changed up and she just shook her head.

"It's not something bad it's just, this guy he's having what seems a panic attack infront of all the children." I looked at her, my mouth dropped and I was flabbergasted. A GUY?

Not Reece right? Oh god please say its not Reece.

I stood up and followed Laura into the children room.

Reece was stood there. He seemed to be sobbing and curled up while the toddles were with Carly outside. Charlotte was trying her hardest to comfort him and when she looked up to see me, her eyes glistened.

"Oh thank god, thanks Laura.." Charlotte stood up.

"I don't know what happened, he just cuddled up in the corner, I told Carly to take them outside because I didn't want him to be crowded while this happened." I looked down to him, he was trying so hard not to sob. Laura left because she only came to drop off her child and tell me what was going on.

I slowly went up too him, letting him know my presence was there. He lifted his head and looked away.

"Reece..." I whispered. He shook his head and I heard him mumble from between his knees, "Marjorie please.." I closed my eyes.

"It's ok, you're're with me and Charlotte alright?" I didn't want to touch him but I didn't know how to get my message across otherwise. I gently placed my hand on his shoulder as he hiccuped.

"Do you know what set this off, are you alright?" He nodded slowly and looked back up, his eyes swollen from his crying.

"I..saw a kid..just like me, I don't know why it just reminded me of..Well before everything." I nodded and slowly cuddled him, hoping he'd feel more comfortable in my embrace, which he was.

"It's alright Reece, you've overcome that and I'm so proud of you, we all are, even Autumn and Mia and everyone, we are so grateful for how much you've progressed." I mumbled as he cuddled me closely.

"I'm sorry for this Marjorie, really.." I shook my head.

"Don't apologise darling.." I smiles then continued, "currently you're at home, you're with us, me..we love you Reece, I love you so much.." he nodded his head and wiped his teary blue eyes.

"I love you so much Marjorie." I grinned then helped him up. I took him into my office so I could have an eye on him as he texted on his phone.

He's home, with us, with me.


I love Reece so much no one could ever make me hate you.

Any requests??
(I'll do anything as long as it's not a big age gap and not incest!)

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