The ride was long, and Sirius was exhausted. He hadn't slept barely at all over the summer, no thanks to his parents.

"You alright Pads?" Remus asked gently, closing his book.

"Yeah. Just tired." Sirius smiled a soft, tired smile. James and Peter were already asleep.

Remus shifted to face Sirius.
"Come here then. Take a nap."

Sirius just stared at him in disbelief. Was this really happening? Or maybe he had already fallen asleep.

"I think I'll be okay Moony." Sirius looked at the ground. Remus however, wasn't taking no for an answer. He pulled Sirius into him, leaning against the window.
"I wasn't really asking Padfoot, sleep. Merlin knows you didn't get any over the summer." Remus holds him firmly, yet gently, making Sirius feel comfortable.

Time skip brought by the demon in the corner of my room

By the time they had gotten to Hogwarts, it was nearly dark. Remus woke up first, the train jolting him awake. Sirius layed peacefully asleep on his chest. Peter scored quietly, and James fell to the floor at the train stopping, waking him up. His glasses were crooked.

Remus gently woke Sirius up. "Pads, we're home."
Sirius woke up with a quickness, looking around at the word 'home.'

"I mean Hogwarts home Sirius." Remus used his soft voice. The same one he uses with the first years.

"Oh. Right. That's what I thought you meant." Sirius runs a hand through his hair, standing up and stumbling out of the train car. James and Peter follow, Remus being the last out.

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