😭🌸"It's Just A Nightmare Love." 🌸😭

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OneShot Requested By: PrincessIsabella1950!!!
*Blood Warning*

Seek's AU.

His Dream.

I think I had a nightmare the other night but Figure comforted me... This is the only things that I remember:

When he had his Bad Dream...

Darkness. That's all I saw. I felt scared and very uneasy.

I was chained to a chair. How is my son not scared of the dark like me? Do I have Nyctophobia? I don't know, but it was definitely a horror-like experience.

I wish Figure could just engulf me in his arms right now, it's like a craving... Like you cant control it.

I felt slightly nauseous, I wanted to stand up, but I was seated in a chair, chained to the ground.

"UGHHH!!!" I screamed in frustration.
"HELP PLEASE!!!" I yelled into the abyss.

Soon I felt a blade up against my thigh.

Oh shoot-

One cut...

One slice...

Just one...


That's what made it weird... Who was in here? Harassing me... KIDNAPPING ME!!!

"FIGGIEEEPUDDINGGG I'M SORRY FOR TAKING YOUR GLASSES, PLEASE SAVE ME!!!" I yelled, feeling guilty from my previous sins I've done to Figure.

"HELP SOMEONE HELP PLEASE!!???!?" I screamed again.

Soon I felt a rope wrap around my neck.

"I know you wanted this! You never wanted to stay alive any longer"

"What? I DO WANT TO STAY ALIVE!!!" I said trying to reassure the weird voice I heard ringing around.

"Of course you don't want to stay alive! Just admit it Seek"

"I-I D-DO!!!" I said, but the voice disappeared.

I felt so scared, I tried to get up, I kept wrangling in the chains, trying to get up but it was no use.

"Uhhhh-!!!" I said trying to move.

Soon something started approaching me... fast.

" Oh shoot!!" I said in my head.
" OH Shoot!!!!" I kept repeating in my head.

"OH SHOOT!!!!!" I screamed aloud.

Soon the weird rope that was looped around my neck fastened against my inky skin.

The rope choked me as the chains loosened.

It felt like the chains were off so I jolted my wrists up, but it left scars because the chains wasn't actually off it just loosened around my wrists.

After trying to get the chains off I gave up. Soon I heard footsteps, sounded like a humans...

I actually started tearing up.

I couldn't move and I was panicking...

Soon a human came up to me, they were blurry because I was crying...

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