My Arrival

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I wake up from the voice of the pilot coming from the intercom. "Landing."
My ears ring as the intercom screeches as he hangs it up. I slowly stretch as a yawn escapes me. Already? God could the flight be any shorter?..
I rub my eyes as I lean forward towards the window letting out a small laugh as little figures appear as we get closer to ground. They're like little ants..How cute.. As I stand up from my seat clutching onto my bag; I put on my sunglasses, and walk out of the plane wincing at the bright sun.

"You must be the new recruit." I turn my gaze to a man known as Price or John Price to be exact.

"No, I'm the fucking boogie man." I watch his serious face he was trying so hard to hold, break as he grins, and lets out a small chuckle.

"Wo she gots an additude." He looks at the soldier standing next to the plane entrance, before moving his glance back to me with a grin.
"You'll fit right in with the team." He chuckles to himself quietly, before offering his hand for a hand shake. "I'm glad to have you on our team Miss Bloodworth."

I give him a firm hand shake as I lower my glasses to get a better look of him. "It's a pleasure to be here Captain Price." I smirk as I let go of his hand, and walk with him. This'll be fun.

"Ah I see you've done your research on me hm?" He turns his head to me as he opens the door.

Of course I did. "A bit." I put my glasses on the top of my head as I take in my environment. This is not..what I expected..
"So.. Where's the others?" I raise an eyebrow at him as I sit my bag down.

"They're training right now." He holds his hands behind his back as he walks to his desk, and sits down. "So..What made you want to help us with mission Z?" He asks me as he leans back crossing his arms.

"Y'all needed help correct?" I sit in the chair in front of his desk crossing my leg over the other.

Price furrows his eyebrows as he slightly glares at me. "What I've heard is you work alone." He leans his head on one hand as the other taps the arm of his chair. "There's more to it correct?"

Ha using my own words against me.. I like this dude. I smirk as I slightly bounce my foot. "You've done you research." He slightly nods his head as he waits for me to answer his question. I let out a soft sigh as I begin to speak. "You're right.. There's more to it, but that's classified for now." I'm sure he knows.. Everyone knows..

"Atleast you're being honest with me..That's a good way to start here." He gives me a small smile before standing up. "I think it's time you meet the team Lilith."

I slowly stand up with a stretch before grabbing my bag. "Actually can that wait? Jet lag." I have a raging migraine at the moment..I can't seem weak to any of them..

He nods his head in understanding as he opens the door for me. "I'll show you your bunk."

Later on

I throw my bag on the ground as I plop on the bed. I was told Price was a talker, but damn he talks a lot..
Slowly getting I grab my back, and pop some ibuprofen. I turn the lights off, and lay down as I cover my face with the covers. My head hurts to damn much to change.
I grown as I turn to my side, and cuddle with a pillow before closing my eyes as I slowly drift off to sleep.

A few hours later I wake up in a sweat as I frantically look around the room. I calm myself down by take a few deep breaths. Another nightmare.. Atleast my migraine is gone.. I slowly rub my forehead before getting out of bed, and putting shoes on. Maybe a night stroll will help.. The moon shines down on me as a chilling breeze hits me. Fuck I should've grabbed a coat. Foot steps creep from the shadows as I walk down the pathway. I freeze in my tracks looking towards the directions they were coming from. "Who's there?" I swear if someone is creeping on me..

A deep raspy voice interrupts my thoughts. "Why are you out at this time?" I furrow my eyebrows towards the voice as a shiver goes down my spine.

"Couldn't sleep..and you?" I hug my body as I shiver from the cold breeze.

"Couldn't sleep." The voice is coming from a 6'4 figure slowly creeping out of the shadows. "I've never seen you around here."

My heart speeds up as I feel a pair of eyes digging into me. "That's because I just got here." I clutch my gun hidden in my belt, as I was the strange figure come out of the shadows. Is he wearing a.. skull mask?

"Awe, you're the new recruit." I watch as his eyes slowly lift as if he's smiling or something..

"And you are?" I slowly ungrip my gun as he stands in front of me.

"Ghost..or Simon. Choose which ever." He puts his hands in his pockets as he looks down at me. "You?" I watch as his eyes run over my body.

"Lilith.." I raise my head to glance at him. Damn..

"Well should probably go back to your bunk." He looks down at me with pitch black eyes.

"Why don't you go back to yours?" I cross my arms as I glare up at him. He really thinks he can boss me around? Ha.. he's hilarious.

I watch as he lowers down to meet my eyes. "I don't like you." He glares at me as he raises back up. "I don't understand why the guys are fan girling over you." He lets out a small snicker as he clicks his tongue.

"I could say the same for you." My eyes darken as I tap my arm. What a douch.. I can see that dumbass smirk appear under his mask.

"Glad to know." He click his tongue as he turns to walk away. "Stay out of my way Little Dove."

My mouth opens to say something, but he disappears in the shadows before anything could come out. Well he was..charming..

Author here. I ran out of ideas on my first book "The Vampire's Project.", but i've been thinking for awhile and came up with this! I know there's a lot of girlys who are obsessed with masked men(including me). So I believe you'd love this book! If there's any errors or Grammer mistakes please feel free to comment, so I can correct them! Much love xoxo -Your author

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