Chapter One Troubles

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Dedicated to MajenBeos02Babyalex34
January 31, 2016, 8:00 pm, Violet's POV

    I feel wrong and awful. 'I should be fearing the next minute... fearing every minute of today. They said the rules were suspended until January thirty-first. What it did not say was what time on the thirty-first. But instead of fearing what they have planned for me, I am scared they will leave me alone longer.'

    My heart pounds against my ribs, and my hand trembles as I press the correct date and then force my hand to press Camile's name randomly. My eyes well with tears when it flags an error. I wipe my eye with one hand and press Itzal's name, and the error flashes. A quiet cry comes from me as my tears blur my vision, and I press Victor's name only to receive one error and then another when I press Leonard.

    I turn around and sink down the wall to hide my face in my hands. 'It isn't them I want. I'm just sick of being scared and jumping at shadows. I want to feel safe. I might not understand what the documents in my Dad's Office meant, but I know something is wrong, and Dad knew I would be safe here, but not in France. What was in France can't get me here, but still being closer to them feels safer somehow.'

    My chin trembles, and I start sobbing. The only thing that rouses me is a beeping sound coming from the Office, and I wipe my eyes over and over to clear the tears and see that the timer above my head is flashing zero. I hiccup and then shake my head, 'To punish me, they would have to come near me... so let it be done.' I put my head against my knees, wrap my arm around my legs tightly, and allow the tears to keep coming until I lose time.

    "Up." Camile grunts, and my head shoots up immediately, having not heard nor seen him in forty-two days. He steps closer to me, his eyes narrowing.

    "Get up." He orders, and I hiccup and scramble to my feet and try to muffle a sob that breaks free from my mouth. I follow him out and spot Leonard leaning against the wall. He frowns at me, and I wipe my eyes, trying to speak through sniffles and gasps.

    "I'm s-s-sorry," I stutter as my chin trembles harder. Leonard's expression doesn't change, so I move toward him. But Camile corrects me, points for me to walk forward, and then directs me toward my room. And I hate it for future-me, but I cry all the way there. When I spot my bed, I stop trying to plead with Leonard, knowing Camile is a lost cause. I accept the seclusion by going to my bed to hide my sobs in my pillow. I jolt when a weight depresses my bed, and my fingers wipe my cheek.

    "You just had to pick me last, Babygirl," Leonard jokes, and I roll more onto my side to look at him. Leonard shakes his head at me, and I grab his hand when he goes to take it away. Leonard frowns, going to pull it, but I grab his wrist and move down his arm as if it is a rope to climb into his lap.

    I settle there and latch onto him hard so he can't remove me, 'I won't let him.' Leonard grunts something, and then hands latch onto me and go to pull me off, so I grip Leonard's shoulders as hard as my fingernails allow.

    "Violet, let me go," Leonard tells me softly, and I sob, shaking my head. Leonard sighs and then tells Camile something, making him release me. I hiccup, and Leonard kisses my head.

     "We are not leaving, but we need to bathe you," Leonard says, and I feel hot embarrassment, but I can't get my fingers to release him as if, in a second, Leonard became crucial to my continued survival.

    "Don't move." Victor's voice comes from behind me, and I freeze, hearing his knife open and then the sound of him cutting my clothes off. I take a breath, laying my wet cheek on Leonard's pec, and he chuckles again and rubs my sides in between, removing the falling pieces of clothing.

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