PART - 4

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Arnav's Pov

I was checking some emails on the leptop when suddenly the door of my cabin opened . I looked up from leptop and looked at the door . There stood my PA eka samar .

I rolled my eyes and said "no need to come in , go back from there and you are fired" .

"What happened to you in the morning? Why so angry" ? He came in and asked.

"Did you forget that you are my PA? Most of the time you come office after me. So you don't have to come anymore , you are fired , now go before I kicked you out" I said while gritted my teeth.

He looked at me for a while and then started laughing loudly and said "you can't fire me, you know that right"

"I'm the boss, I can do whatever I want" I replied , smirking .

"You can't, I will tell aunty about it" he said.

"Get out you fucking asshole" I said loudly.

He run out of the cabin . I take a deep breath .

Me and Rahul are childhood friends, Samar joined us when Rahul and I were in fifth standard . After that we become friends, Both he and Rahul were crazy like literally crazy , when they are together they will eat my head and both love to irritate me. He also shifted to India with us.

I was checking a file when my phone rang . I saw that it's Mansi bhabhi's call after pecking up the call I was about to say hello but heard mishti's voice "chachu are you there"

"Yess princess, what happened " I said while closing the file.

"Mumma said we going to a parlty ( party ) tomorrlo ( tomorrow ) ? " she asked in her childish voice.

" Yesss we are going " I replied.

" But I have no dless ( dress ) to weal ( wear ) " she said sadly.

" So what you want princess " I asked lovingly .

" Will you go soppling ( shopping ) with me chachu pleless ( please ) " she asked.

I smiled and said " okkk whatever my princess want we will do that , you get ready till then I will reach home and then we will go to shopping, okay "

" Okay chachu , byeeee " she said and cut the call.

I called samar and said " in my cabin right now ", and cut the call.

After sometime he came without knocking the door . I leaned back in the chair and said " go out , knock on the door and then come in ".

He sat on the chair without paying attention to my words. " I said knock on the door and then come in "

" Now I can't , I will knock next time " he said.

" Okay , then your next week leave cancel " I said while smirking.

He stood up, took a deep breath, went out, locked the door, and then knocked . I smiled and said " come in " .

Taking long steps he came inside, sat in the chair. "Cancel the rest of today's meetings , I have to go somewhere " I said while picking my phone.

He frowned and said " are you out of your mind ; Gupta's are coming in two hours , How hard I convinced them for the meeting , and now you are saying cancel the meeting, like WTF... " .

I rolled my eyes " I don't care, change the schedule , if they don't want it's their loss " I said and walked out.

Nothing is important than my princess.


Next part is here....

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Till then bye.......

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