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"What the hell was that?" Minghao sneers, glaring at the latter.

Mingyu lands on this feet from the hit, angrily huffing as the hit reaches beyond the end line, meaning the ball is out. "What do you mean, jackass? What kind of set was that?"

Minghao rolls his eyes, "A perfect one, why are you overrunning my set?"

"Overrunning? That set was way too slow, by the time I even lay a finger on it, I'm already in my graduation gown."

"Move, you are holding up the line, dumbass."

A disapproving "hey" comes from the opposite side of the court as Coach Seungcheol sends deadly glowers at the two boys. Mingyu grunts annoyingly at the smaller and shags his ball.

As Mingyu jogs away, a slight grin creeps up across Minghao's mouth. Obviously, Minghao set a bad set for Mingyu on purpose, to mess him up and make him look bad. It is only the sweet taste of revenge that fills Minghao's mouth as he continues to set just slightly off for Mingyu but not enough for anyone but him to notice. It really ticks Mingyu off but it only fuels Minghao's want to torment the latter (it's what he deserves at least).

"Do you even know how to set? I said lower ones," Mingyu swings his hands up in frustration after the tenth time he has mishit the ball.

Minghao crosses his arms, a frown upon his face, "Maybe it's you that's the problem. Maybe you should evaluate the way you are approaching the set. I mean everyone else is hitting perfectly? So that must mean something."

"That's because you're out to get me!" Mingyu shouts, his nails digging into his palm in anger.

"That's childish, I would never."

Tryouts go on with the same shenanigans, Minghao messing with Mingyu on his sets, but also Mingyu getting his revenge with targeted hits and serves. When the players were scrimmaging in a practice game, it seemed like Mingyu specifically targeted all his spikes and serves towards Minghao, who is the setter so he could not get the second ball (he technically can but it is best for someone else to receive it so he could set the ball). However, with Mingyu's quick and expert-level aim and hits, it was almost impossible for anyone else to react in time. Minghao ended up receiving many of the first balls which led to the loss of the point since no one else on his side could set.

"Everyone did really well today, and I am beyond impressed with the improvements you all have undergone this summer. The official line up will be posted on the gym news board on Monday or Tuesday. I am extremely proud and for those who will not make it, do not give up. Captain, any words?" Coach Seungcheol announces after the three long hours of (torment) tryouts.

Minghao steps towards the front to speak to his team, "As Coach has stated, everyone here has improved so much, and it was amazing working alongside every single one of you. I like the aggressiveness and teamwork you all showed, and I would be glad to be on a team with anyone here."

The last part comes out a bit sarcastic as his eyes met Mingyu's, both scowling at each other with disgust.

"Thank you, Minghao. Everyone break and have a nice weekend before school starts."

Minghao leads the team cheer and the teammates start to exit the gym, chatting amongst each other upon tryouts.

Coach Seungcheol stops Minghao and Mingyu before they can leave as well, "Alright, I'm no guidance counselor but I have to step in. I want an explanation."

Minghao whips his head towards the latter who is already looking at him with slight panic but mostly repugnance.

"Mingyu was being an asshole to Chan the other day so I stepped in," the younger of the two explains and continues with a short summary of the ice cream incident since he does not want to be in the same room with Mingyu for any longer.

Coach Seungcheol nods his head slowly, letting the information settle in, "I see. Well, Mingyu please apologize to both Chan and Minghao."

Minghao's smirk is back on his face, an eyebrow raised at the older.

"And Minghao, you have to apologize too, for starting the fist fight. You could have gone through with a much less violent action like talking it out."

Minghao is back to scowling.

"Oh my god, it was so embarrassing," Minghao's head rolls back, staring up at the clear autumn sky.

Soonyoung links an arm with the younger, Seokmin beside him speaks first, "Come on, it wasn't that bad."

"I had to apologize to the jerk, even though I wasn't the one being an asshole!" Minghao kicks at a rock on the pavement, it rolls jagged before departing on the grass.

"I mean you did punch him first," Seungkwan, who is walking backward in front of the three, points out.

Minghao mutters, "Who's side are you on, Kwannie?"

Seungkwan abruptly stops from walking, arms open, which causes Minghao to walk straight into his chest, "Yours, of course."

Minghao is engulfed by Seungkwan's arms, head buried into his shoulder. With the amount of strength the younger is holding Minghao by, he has to tap out like a wrestling match. Minghao pushes away to his freedom as Seungkwan reluctantly let's go, mumbling a whatever and continues on his way home.

"But Seungkwan is right though, Hao. I know he's an asshole, but you should just move on from this, it'll really hinder you from being a good captain," Seokmin butts in, an arm around Soonyoung's side.

"Don't you think I know that? But it's so hard...He has such a punchable face and an even more punchable attitude," Minghao's fists just tightens at the thought of Mingyu.

Seungkwan pops up to his side, a smooth comment flowing from his lips, "Just replace his face with mine."

"Then, I'll want to punch it even more."

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