The stripper

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To say Lee Felix wasn't having a good day was an understatement.

He had just broken up with his long-term girlfriend of 8 years and now he's standing in his employer's office, listening to him scream at him.

"Lee! I know you can do better than this. What kind of shit report is this? I'm getting a headache just trying to read it!" Mr Park threw the papers on the ground and slammed his palm on the table.

Felix had his hands clasped together in front of him as he bowed his head, "I'm so sorry. I'll write a better one," he apologized as he fought the urge not to cuss at his boss as he collected all the papers Mr Park threw on the ground.

"You better and I want it on my table by midnight," Mr Park threatened, and Felix glared at him before bowing again to be respectful. He turned on his heel and left the room to return to his cubicle where he slammed the papers on the table. "Fuck it!" he groaned as he plopped down on the chair. His best friend and coworker rolled to his side then. "Was it that bad?" Jisung asked as he looked at Felix who groaned and tugged his hair.

"Yeah, he went on all about how I give excellent reports and this one time I messed up, he downgraded every work I had done so far," Felix rolled his eyes as he opened Microsoft Word to start editing and rewriting his report again.

"It's not like he knows you broke up with Miley," Jisung sighed as he leaned over to grab Felix's iced Americano.

"I guess so, I can't stop missing her Ji. It's messing up my head so much," Felix sighed and closed his eyes. "I couldn't even do my daily routine properly because my mind has been occupied by Miley," he sighed. "And I'm probably going to fucking mess up this report again because I can't stop thinking about the way she just broke my heart like that," Jisung felt bad for his best friend.

Felix and Miley had been dating each other since they were both 16. Despite some lover's quarrels, they have always been devoted to each other. They loved each other and were extremely affectionate even when they were out with friends. Felix had proposed to Miley 2 months before their breakup and both families had been planning their marriage. It was all laughs and happiness until Felix walked in on Miley having sex with her 'cousin' whom she told him not to worry about. The breakup was horrible. Left Felix crying in his room for days.

The breakup made Jisung worry about his best friend. After taking a week's break from work, Felix came back only to be burdened with reports and other stuff that needed to be done. If it wasn't for Jisung dragging Felix to eat, he rarely seems to remember he needs food to survive either.

"Hey, Lix. Minho hyung got a job at a club today and he invited all of our friend group to go there tonight. Want to come with?" Jisung asked as he slightly moved to his desk to continue his work. Felix was typing away on his laptop, his tongue slightly out as he concentrated on correcting his report.

"Do I need to? Minho hyung didn't invite me personally," Felix answered.

"He didn't. He texted in the group chat. You haven't checked the messages in the GC in three days, Lix. Everyone's worried," Jisung said and Felix looked up.

"Oh? Yeah, I'm sorry," he felt guilty. He knew it wasn't fair for him to keep ignoring his friends because of his miserable love life. He felt guiltier knowing he would ignore Jisung if he didn't work with him.

"It's okay, Lixie. Come and hang out with us tonight. Maybe you'll find someone who will heal your heart," Jisung smiled and Felix nodded, deep down knowing he wouldn't be able to move on that easily.

"Fine, only because you asked me to," Felix smiled a little.


Felix finished correcting and rewriting the report around 8 pm. Almost everyone including Jisung had already left work except for a few who were working overtime. Felix emailed the newly written version to Mr Park before packing up his stuff and heading out.

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⏰ Last updated: May 26 ⏰

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