13. the big three clans.

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The entire meeting room was a chaos, it's like it had escaped hell itself to create havoc in the meeting room. The tension between each clan so thick and scaringly intense, it almost made Mori feel uncomfortable but the man merely smiled at the sight.

Chuuya on the other hand was getting pissed off quickly at the too much back and forth and never ending suggestions. Y/N leaned against the chair she was sat on and then she tilts her head to the side and tapped her bottom lip with her finger. Her father ; Daiki Gojo smirks at the familiar site and then he chuckled with mirth. "So, you'd like the big three clans to side and support the port mafia alongside fight against them?" Daiki speaks, curious of what intention may the Port Mafia boss be plotting.

"A few generators back had done the same, they've run the organization well and I plan to do the same," Mori says, leaning his chin against his palm as he rested it o there. Daiki stares at him before a chuckle escapes his throat, he couldn't believe how fake this guy could be. "Of course, my grand father did mention his father talking about an organization.." Daiki didn't finish, smirking as he recalled his great great grandfathers words.

'They're nothing but trouble, you must avoid them,' quote his father's father father, he hums and then stares at his daughter; Y/N. A wide innocent smile appears across his lips and he placed his palm against his daughter's head. "Has my daughter been causing trouble?" Daiki says in a playful tone, patting his daughter's head.

Y/N tensed before she relaxed shortly after — the sad fact was that Daiki had never really gotten to see his daughter due to the past years, the teaching too strict and he had too much things to do as the clan head, he's only ever seen her when she was a baby, but then again..he's always seen her nearly get poisoned on her birthday due to her cousins evil feelings towards her. ( Name ) Kamo smiles at the sight of the father and daughter time the two shared even if it was just that, she took a sneaky look at her father who was intensely glaring at Naobito and she awkwardly looked back down.

"Oh no of course not, she's been helping my best men with their missions." Mori eyed the shorter and gender bent version of Daiki; his daughter. Mori's magenta eyes mirth and narrowed to slits, he grins and then clears his throat. "Of course, I'm not well aquatinted with the big three family abilities, would it be rude to ask of an example?" The man was scheming again, Dazai easily noticed — shoulders slumping against the desk as he subtly eyed Y/N.

Naoya's scowl deepened as he hated being second to a woman in general, and here he was barely even getting looked at the executives and boss, nevertheless anyone else. The daughter of the Kamo clan could easily sense it as she stiffened and looked down, not wanting to become his outlet of stress relieve and anger disposal. The poor girl had finally gained courage to speak, her black loose strands swaying as she opens her mouth to speak only to be overpowered by Naoya per usual.

𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐒𝐓𝐑𝐎𝐍𝐆𝐄𝐒𝐓 ?! ೀ FEMGOJO!READER X BSDWhere stories live. Discover now