haunted house part 2

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So a few things happened apparently Chad as some sex obsession with dead girls and Hester flirting with him before they left grace confronted her dead thinking she was the baby in the bathtub that night to zayday showing her and Pete the shadylane house she wanted to use for her haunted house which Jayden found out as she had a secret camera in there room over hearing as Dennis still thinks zayday is the killer to the Chanel's sticking up for them selfs against frat pigs.

"so many pawns for my plan" jayden says amused while sharping her knife.

Chanel whirls around " just what the hell are you planning you crazy bitch" she spat.

"wouldn't you like to know but it seems you already forgot "jayden says with a dark smirk making many shiver.

Jayden was shown in her office as she types away on her computer before her phone dings as she opens her phone seeing a txt from Boone.

"Staging the dead body's at the house on shady lane need help that zayday will be using as a haunted house for her fundraiser."she reads as she smirks this could be fun.

"i still cant believe you went rogue on us and followed that bitch" gigi spat crossing her arms.

"well i don't exactly want to die by her hands i mean she's a crazy and two if i had the choice on who's scarier between you and her i'd say her" Boone retorted as gigi gasp offended as jayden cackles.

She changed into leather pants with boots as she wore a black cross top with her hair in a high ponytail tail as walks into the house hearing grunting as she follows the sound as she sees the red devil as he sits the body's down.

"alright lets do this" she says before she was shown dressed as ghost face as she and the red devil sit Mrs bean's body on a bed with a large tomb stone with her name they were careful moving the body.

she then sets shondells body into a wall bed hidden they then went to the basement hammering conneys body to the all arms out and leg crossed with his head missing then hid number 2's body in a room bedside it before they stage the other body's perfectly before disappearing.

"so that's how they got there it was because of you two" grace says with a glare she wondered how all those body got there.

"and it went well until this dipshit's little slip up with kidnapping zayday" jayden says with a smirk before it drops as she glares coldly at a nervous Boone who gulps remembering his punishment.

"i think its a genuis plan" billy says as he and his sister share dark smirks it was there best talent to scare there pray.

"thanks little bro" she says as she twirls her knife before smirking at all her prey with stu and billy.

jayden was shown walking through the fog before seeing chad as she climbs into a cheer and hid as she watches him smooth his hand over grave stones "oh yeah bet your a sexy dirt covered girl that's what i bet you are"he says as she watches him with disgust before he finds one he likes started to undo his zipper when Hester appears in one of the outfits Chanel gave her she watches the to flirt and talk before disappearing as jayden drops down in a crunch before standing up.

"dude that's just fucking gross" billy says shaking his head yeah everyone nodded agreeing as chad looks at them all offended.

jayden turns to Hester" i still stand by my statement you can do way better the Mr dead body fetish here" she says jolting her thumb out at the offended chad who was gaping like a fish.

"man that boy is sick in the head and Hester you can do so much better then that creep you don't have to be like Chanel" jayden says shaking her head before walking away into the night she was then shown the next morning earning black jeans with heels and a white tank with a black blazer sitting at her desk as she does some research on the security guard.

"so you tried to pledged kappa in the 80's now it makes since why your targeting zayda" she says before then switching to her cameras around the school before seeing the chancels and Hester's eating cotton balls with sauces."you dumb bitches i swear" she said shaking her head before watching them change there mind to get some real food before kicking two frat boys asses for being sexiest pigs "maybe they're not so useless after all" she says before everything went black.

"so you went through my files and helped snatched my dear friend shondells body then staged it at the haunted house" deenis says.

jayden shrugs "wasn't very hard i was a skilled hacker in my day" she says smirking as deenis glares at her.

chad was shown walking down a road wearing a light pink white shirt with faded blue pants and tennis shoes his sweater tied around his waist as he was walks up to the house on shadlylane when Hester appeared hair in a certain style with a tight blue kappa top with long sleeves her waist showing a bit and a skirt and heels before the two head inside not knowing they were being watched by ghost face who disappears.

Hester and chad looked around "oh yeah haunted house doesn't even start for another two hours why would they light all the candles seems wasteful" chad says as they split up looking around many candles giving the place a dark glow.

"boy aren't you bright nobody could have done that unless it was a killer" jayden says sarcastically making billy and stu laugh.

"come on im sure this house has an amazingly basement" Hester says with a smirk walking off as chad follows her as jayden wearing her ghost face costume watches from the dark as they enter Mrs bean's room as he was following Hester un doing his pants.

"look a wax replica of Mrs bean with her face fried off "Hester says before poking the leg only for it to glow through as green pus like stile ooses as they scream  backing away realizing it wasn't a wax replica but the real thing chad bumbs into the wall bed making it fall as shondell's body rolls off and onto the floor as they run out the room screaming into the room but the front door closed with a slam as they scream running the other way chad holding heaters hand before screaming seeing conney pinned to the basement wall headless as chad open the door next to them showing Chanel number two making them scream and run to the back door chad kicking the wood blocking it as he swings the door open only for Mandy's body to drop hang in front of them as they run off screaming into the night.

"oh i think im gonna be sick" Tatum says covering her mouth running out with gale as they can be heard throwing up in the bathrooms.

"i swear you can make your own horror movie" stu says with giddiness.

"your all fucking monsters and should be locked up" Sidney spat.

stu, jayden, and billy smile at her wickedly "the best kinds of people are usually like us" jayden says as Sidney shakes her head in disgust as Dewey pulls her away.

ghost face and the red devil watch as they share looks before disappearing jayden was shown taking a shower as hot water washes over her her before she was shown wearing a towel as she walks out the bathroom before her phone dings as she walks over picking up her phone as she looks at the txt" meet at the kappa house zayday is messing " she reads as she growls annoyed knowing Boone had something to do with it sense he had a big ass obsessive crush on the girl before slamming her phone down as everything with black.

"oh you just double made her shit list dude" stu says raising an eyebrow as Boone shakes in his chair knowing he was gonna relive his punishment as jayden glares at Boone with a cold smirk.

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