haunted house part 1

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Soon ta typing sound is heard as letters started appearing on a complete black screen '2015 was a great year for chanel Oberlin and her 752 Instagram fans, starting early October,fans of chanel would receive a jack-o'-lantern emoji on there socials.' is typed ending with a small jack-o'-lantern emoji at the end of it. 'from one chanel Oberlin'.

'parcels began to appear on there door step in what became tenderly know as chanel-o-ween."before the message slowly fades away before another one takes it's place. 'these are there stories'

"You gotta be kidding me "billy and stu say deadpanning as Jayden laughs while Chanel looks offended.

"What"she asked offended.

"You are probably the most self-absorbed girl on the planet first you name a holiday after your self then ask your fans to exploit the gifts and talk about you for your own selfish gang"Stu points out with a straight face as many agree with him even the pledges as Chanel glares as she huffs whining about how that's not true as many roll there eyes.

Soon a camera is shown showing pumpkins and all kinds of Halloween stuff as a song is being heard played in the background before a white sparkle jack-o'-lantern is shown before the camera is showing chanel wearing a elegant fashion fur dress with a fire burning in a fire place  behind her"I own Halloween it's my jam"she says with a smirk before getting up out of the chair she was setting in.

"You dont own shit maggot"Jayden says sharping her nails with her knife.

"Shut it hag!"Chanel snaps before gasping when a knife was thrown into her eye as she falls to the ground as many around her scream in shock before she sits up alive gasping the knife disappears and reappears as she pouts knowing she couldn't permanently kill anyone in here.

"Your fuckin crazy!"Gigi says in shock.

"Like your not Amy"Jayden says with a smirk as gigi pales as many were now confused

" Halloween is the most important day of the year."she is seen walking around it what looked like her bedroom as it was already decorated for Halloween as she goes to set on her bed on the edge

"it's the one day on the Gregorian calendar where your allowed to go around terrifying children and not be branded a psychopath."as a pair of fave severd feet were beside her as she places her arms on top of the two feet smiling as she slightly leans on them.

"Eh kinda true"Stu says with a shrug shoving popcorn into his mouth.

Before she is shown sitting in front of her vanity mirror"I am a future network news anchor who's super classy and has almost no fat on her body. But alote of my fans are friendless dumpy coeds at this or that nursing school in one of this country's various national armpits. And chanel-o-ween is the one time of year where I can give these precious donkeys something to look forward two."before she picks up a white human skull up as she brings it closer to her as she stands up

"they put down those hot pockets and bask in the warm flow of what it feels like to love me"as she is seen walking to the double doors she kisses the skull on the head as she walks out of her room.

She was then shown recording her self as she smiles holding the skull on her shoulder "Chanel o ween is approaching so I went shopping with my comatose grandmothers credit card and bought presents"she says as she turns still smiling at the camera showing many different Halloween items she bought.

She was then shown in front of some shoes in her gaint closet as she picks up a fake severed hand with a smile" this severed hand ...is for malloreigh as she gasp holding the hand filming her self before she picks up a red apple with a razor in it as she holds two with smiles.

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