Chapter 242: Pursuit

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Hua Hua's yowling jolted Zhang Yi awake.
Ever since Hua Hua came to live with him, the cat loved sleeping in Zhang Yi's room every night, curling up at the head of his bed. Zhang Yi enjoyed petting Hua Hua to relieve stress, so he never drove the cat away.This particular yowl was so piercing it almost sent Zhang Yi into a fit because it was just too harsh.Opening his eyes, Zhang Yi saw Hua Hua staring cautiously outside the door, her fur standing on end.As a stray cat, Hua Hua was highly vigilant and never acted like this without reason.Zhang Yi immediately realized something was wrong in the house.Instinctively, he rolled out of bed, grabbing the gun he kept beside him."Hua Hua, what's going on?"He asked, knowing that Hua Hua was incredibly intelligent, almost as smart as a human. She could understand what he said but couldn't respond in words.Hua Hua continued to stare outside, meowing intermittently. Then, suddenly, she stopped and looked around with a puzzled expression, curiosity in her eyes."What's happening?"Zhang Yi felt perplexed. Could it be that Hua Hua had a nightmare? He had never heard of cats having nightmares.Feeling uneasy, Zhang Yi picked up his phone to check the surveillance cameras throughout the shelter. But he saw nothing unusual on the monitors.However, Hua Hua walked to the door, placing her paw on it, signaling she wanted to go out."Wait a moment!"Zhang Yi quickly dressed, then opened the door with his gun at the ready.Hua Hua darted towards the stairs.Cautiously, Zhang Yi scanned the surroundings, then followed her silently.On the first floor, Hua Hua sniffed here and there, making strange sounds as she did so.Then, she jumped onto the table in the living room.Zhang Yi followed her step by step and soon noticed a black military knife placed on the table.His pupils contracted sharply, and a cold sweat broke out on his back.This knife definitely wasn't his, and it was impossible for the other people in the shelter to have such a thing.Who could have placed it here?More terrifyingly, who could have bypassed the supposedly impenetrable defenses of the shelter to silently place it on the table?If someone could infiltrate his house without a sound, did it mean they could also come in one day and take his life?Zhang Yi swallowed hard but quickly regained his composure.The house was full of cameras; he could find out who entered with just a check.He immediately went to the television and commanded the smart system, "Play the living room surveillance footage from ten minutes ago and fast-forward to when someone appears."Soon, the monitor displayed the footage from ten minutes ago.As the video fast-forwarded, Zhang Yi finally saw a shadowy figure.He slowed the playback speed, eyes wide open, not daring to blink, fearing he might miss some crucial detail.He saw clearly, from the shadowy corner of the room, a woman in tight white clothing slowly emerged."Magnify!"Zhang Yi zoomed in on the footage, observing closely, only to realize that the woman didn't appear out of thin air but slowly walked through the wall.That solid wall was like air to her, offering no resistance.Zhang Yi finally understood what was happening."So, there's such a superpower!"Since the emergence of mutants in this world, many incredible things had become less surprising.Zhang Yi continued to watch the video. After observing the room for a while, the woman was about to head upstairs when Hua Hua's yowl scared her off. She placed a dagger on the table before retreating through the wall.After watching the video, a sense of foreboding loomed over Zhang Yi.The existence of such a superhuman was a huge threat to him!No matter how strong the shelter's defenses were, they were useless against someone like her.What was more frightening was that she left a military knife on the table when she left!Zhang Yi, familiar with knives, knew this one wasn't something an ordinary person could have; it was likely a military-issue weapon.If he let her go, what kind of threat would she pose in the future?Murderous intent surged in Zhang Yi's eyes.That woman had to die. He couldn't let her live!"Hua Hua, come with me. We're going to kill the intruder!"Zhang Yi said to Hua Hua, who was perched on the table."Meow—"Hua Hua meowed loudly, her eyes glowing a ghostly blue.Zhang Yi didn't rush out. Instead, he armed himself fully in the living room.Hearing no engine sounds nearby, it was clear she hadn't left by car. She couldn't have gone far!As he dressed, he checked the surveillance outside the shelter, tracking the intruder's escape.Through the infrared cameras, he saw two figures leaving."Two people? No matter. First, I'll deal with the one who can infiltrate the shelter!"Since the enemy had initiated the confrontation, Zhang Yi wouldn't show any mercy.With Hua Hua's combat prowess, they could handle any opponent.If time weren't so tight, he would have summoned Uncle You and Fatty Xu as well.But time was of the essence; delaying might let them get too far.Once fully equipped, Zhang Yi grabbed a sniper rifle and headed out with Hua Hua."Hua Hua, can you track their scent?"Zhang Yi asked."Meow—"Hua Hua responded confidently, as if to say, "Of course!"In the next moment, her body expanded rapidly, transforming into a massive creature over ten meters long.Hua Hua crouched down, inviting Zhang Yi to climb on.In the snow, her speed was faster than any snowmobile!Zhang Yi looked at the razor-sharp fur on her back and hesitated, "I'm afraid it'll prick my butt."Hua Hua understood and softened her fur.Only then did Zhang Yi climb on."Don't get too excited and suddenly poke me, okay?"Zhang Yi cautioned Hua Hua.Hua Hua rolled her eyes and let out an indignant "Meow," expressing her displeasure at Zhang Yi's lack of trust.Once Zhang Yi was settled, Hua Hua's soft paw pushed off the snow, launching them more than ten meters forward!Zhang Yi, holding his sniper rifle, kept his tactical goggles focused ahead.Tonight, no matter what, he wouldn't let that woman leave alive!Man and cat sped through the snow, quickly disappearing from the Yunque Estate, heading northwest in pursuit.Meanwhile, Xie Huanhuan and Liu Ziyang were joyfully returning by sled.Their search had yielded great results, discovering not only a populous, resource-rich village but also Zhang Yi's secrets.Reporting this to the higher-ups would surely earn them great merit!

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