Chapter 12

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* the next day *

While everyone was busy with their own things , a curious Hyunjin was walking around the whole building as he was bored .

While walking , he heard a sound in the store room . He walked closer to the door to make sure he was not hallucinating things .

However , just as he thought , he heard nothing from the other side . He didn't think much of it and decided to open the door .

" WAITT !! ", a shout could be heard from the other side of the hall .

Chaeyoung quickly ran towards Hyunjin but she was too slow to stop his itchy hand .

All the zombies that Chaeyoung trapped inside there , managed to quickly run out .

" Fuck ", Hyunjin cursed , knowing fully well that he messed up again .

He dropped to the floor as he was too shocked to move a single inch . Felix who saw the terrified Hyunjin , quickly dashed towards him .

" What the fuck are you thinking ? Get the fuck up and run ! ", Felix shouted in an angry tone , gripping Hyunjin's wrist tightly and started running towards the other side of the hall where the others were waiting for them .

They managed to get in just in time before Chaeyoung closed the door on the zombies faces .

" Fuck u Hyunjin , can u just give us some peaceful time without disrupting it ?! ", Leeknow burst out and punched Hyunjin on the face

Felix quickly hold Leeknow back before he ended up killing Hyunjin instead .

" I'm sorry...i really didn't mean for it to turn out this way... ", he apologised but leeknow punched him again .

Bow is Yeji turn to hold Leeknow back and shouted some senses into them .

" Guys ! Fighting wouldn't solve abything right now , y'all are just making it worser . Instead of fighting , let's think of a way to defend ourselves and get to the rooftop to ask for help ", yeji said

Everyone kept quiet , thinking of a way to escape this place .

Mina suddenly had an idea popped out in her mind after looking at all the materials in the room .

" Guys , why not we create a barricade around us with this ball gates and pushed through all the zombies to the back door as that is where we can take the stairs to the rooftop of this building ", Mina said intelligently

Everyone looked at her , shocked by the idea that always came out of Mina's mind .

" Omg , now i understand why people called u the ' most intelligent kid ' " Chaeyoung compliment while looking at her in awe .

Mina just looked away , embarrassed by the compliment she had just received from Chaeyoung .

Nayeon cleared her throat before saying , " urmm , guys , is it just me or this two looks somewhat suspicious ", nayeon teases , squinting her eyes at the two suspiciously .

" Says the one who always cling onto jeongyeon's arm and keep talking in cute voices when with her ", Chaeyoung rolled her eyes .

" HAHAAHAH EXPOSED ", Nayeon teases was backfired to her

Nayeon just looked at jeongyeon cutely and sulk like a child , " jeongieee , look they are bullying me "

Jeongyeon just looked away to hide her red face which makes everyone laughed .

" Urmm guys , aren't we forgetting something ", jeongyeon changed the topic quickly

That's when everyone realized that they were distracted when they were supposed to be building something that can defend them from the monsters outside .

" Anyone has any other better idea ? ", Jihyo asked

Everyone just keep quiet which means the decision is already picked . They will be following Mina's idea and they will try their best to make their only shield right now as strong as possible .

After taking about 3 hours to build the thing , they were ready to go .

" Okey everyone , let's do our best to fight those zombies ", Momo cheered which everyone cheered back .

" 1..2..3 ! ", Jihyo opened the door and everyone started pushing the tray forward which lead to the zombies outside being pushed away too .

Everyone was trying their best . They didn't expect that pushing through the zombies is too difficult for them but they still didn't give up .

One by one , pushed the zombies who were trying to climb in with their metal sticks .

Suddenly , one of the zombies pulled changbin's leg which led to him falling to the floor . Seungmin who saw it , pulled changbin back but it didn't work as changbin buff body is too difficult for someone as small as Seungmin to managed alone .

So he changed strategy and used his metal stick to push the zombies hands away . That's when he didn't realised that there was a zombie at the side . The zombie bit his arm which caught him off guard .

Seungmin dropped his stick and look at his wounded arm . Changbin who's on the floor was too shocked .

" Nonono please tell me it's not true ", Changbin begged

Seungmin just smiled at him before saying , " please help them find a safe place ", Seungmin said sadly before jumping out of the wall tray and started running around , attracting the zombies attention .

Everyone was confused by the action of Seungmin but after seeing the wound , they were speechless , they couldn't even move the tray anymore .

" Guys , get out of here and find a safe place . Don't make me die for nothing ", Seungmin shouted while continuing running around .

This make everyone get back to their senses and started pushing the tray towards the back door .

" Fuck , it's locked... "

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