001 ᯓᡣ𐭩

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"We're going to take you apart cell by cell until we find out just what you are."

Yeonjun understands now why Taehyun feared the humans.

Humans have a phrase for situations in which the stumble into an unpredictable circumstance that could have been avoided had they practiced caution over their intuition to learn.

Curiosity killed the cat, is how Taehyun phrased it.

Curiosity is one of the few traits humans share with pixies. Despite knowing what humans are, Yeonjun stumbled into an unpredictable circumstance that could have been avoided had he heeded Taehyun's warning.

Yeonjun will never seek to observe a human in its natural habitat, and as of tonight, the doctors will study Yeonjun no longer. As much as the doctors poked, and prodded, they would never understand Yeonjun. No matter how diligently they study his insides, they will never understand him like he understands them. From the moment the man with fake eyes suppressed Yeonjun's dust he no longer had a pixie strapped to the operating table. Not quite human, but something in between, something inconceivable even to beings as intelligent as humans.

With the last suppressant weakening in his system, Yeonjun can feel a small resurgence of his dust. Not enough to use under Terra's disagreeable atmosphere, but enough to know his aching, bleeding human body is still capable of producing dust. The white lights and tight straps that kept his body stretched in the operating table are nearly preferable compared to the cramped jowl of an unknown beast carrying Yeonjun far away from the operating room.

"The humans outside are much worse," the man with fake eyes reminded him. "They're cannibals. Close your eyes. Can you hear them clawing at the walls? They all want a taste, my little cricket."

Even louder than the last words Yeonjun heard before his escape is his own frantic human heart, and all he can feel is a low rumble making his body buzz in the compact, sweltering closed jaw.

Yeonjun's body jerks to one side and he rolls hard into the edge, similar to the feeling of being yanked around corners on a gurney.

The blue and yellow lights Yeonjun saw when he left the lab flash in front of his eyes as he's thrown into the air and his head makes contact with the surface above him. The last image in his mind before it went dark-the angry creatures zipping past him quicker than he could react, and the terrifying amount of humans that were outside the operating room-appear behind his eyes.

Yeonjun's human body bruises easily without the protection of his dust or his wings, but when he attempts to cocoon himself in their fibers, a shiver runs down his spine where his wings should be.

They took his wings.

Yeonjun feels what Taehyun referred to as panic. Panic is an emotion exclusive to humans and the other mammals that populate their realm. Yeonjun has felt panic before. When he thinks of the word, an image of sharp silver flashes in his mind. The glass jars filled with razor sharp glass shards tossing all around his body in an attempt to make him bleed, the moments when the man with the fake eyes laughed over Yeonjun's exposed human insides when he discovered how to suppress Yeonjun's dust. Yeonjun knows panic, but he never gets used to it.

As humans do when they experience panic and pain, Yeonjun wants to scream, but that would only make the man with fake eyes satisfied.

"You may scream if you want. In fact, please scream. It's encouraged on this ride."

It was the doctors favorite phrase. He knew how to illicit the reaction he desired. Sometimes, Yeonjun would bite his tongue and hold his breath not to give the doctor reason to revel in his discomfort, and other times he screamed until his throat felt raw.

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