019 ᯓᡣ𐭩

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The library on the campus Bora attends is larger than the one Soobin is used to visiting in the capital where he is enrolled—where he has a week’s worth of homework and lectures to catch up on. The library is an endless labyrinth of shelves and numbers in an organization system Soobin never fully understood. The outer walls are made completely of stained glass, highlighting the pages in every color, shifting as the sun lowers over the sea.

“Siyeon and I talked last night,” Bora says, sliding into the seat next to Soobin with another stack of language and philosophy books to add to their pile.

They have two tote bags full of books already, ranging from picture books to textbooks to cookbooks to manga. If Yeonjun is, essentially, going to be under house arrest for the coming few weeks, and Soobin is on his sabbatical from classes, Soobin wants to make sure Yeonjun learns and experiences as much as he can about humans before he leaves, including fine literature classics like Pride and Prejudice and Fullmetal Alchemist.

“You don’t have to go home after Yeonjun leaves,” she continues. “You could transfer here if you like it.”

Soobin looks up from the psychology textbook he’s been flipping through.

“Sorry, but, no thanks,” he says, closing it and sliding it in with the others. “Not that the guest room is uncomfortable, but, I’d miss Kai and Beomgyu and my job at the magic store. And I’d feel too awkward intruding like that.”

“You don’t have to stay in that guest bedroom.”

Soobin freezes, still holding the bag open, one hand on the pile of books. He can’t have heard her right. She isn’t offering what Soobin thinks she’s offering.

“What do you mean?” he asks slowly.

Bora rolls her eyes. “Don’t be weird about it. I’m talking about being neighbors.”

“Ohthankgod,” Soobin breathes.

“Men only think of one thing, don’t they?” Bora tuts and shakes her head.

“To be fair, the way you asked—”

“Anyways,” she interrupts before Soobin can defend himself, “did Siyeon tell you how she acquired this property?”

“I haven’t really had a chance to talk with her. She’s always in the basement working on—” Soobin looks around, lowers his voice, and leans in, “building that thing.”

“Ah, yeah, she’s great at building things, isn’t she? She built the entire house. By hand, not even with magic, after she,” Bora meets him halfway across the table, “convinced the landlord to relinquish all his properties to his tenants and hand over the deed to the land.”

Soobin can believe the magical part about how Siyeon convinced a human of the evil landlord breed to release his contracts, but building a house that big and beautiful by hand is where he’s lost. 

“Where did she get the money for the materials?”

“Pixies don’t contract for money.”

“She made a contract with a—” Soobin swerves again, making sure no one can hear them, then whispers, “She made a contract with a pixie? Was it Yeonjun?”

“He’s not the only pixie in the universe.”

“Okay, sure, but how did she do all that without magic? Not even a little?”

“Have you seen her collection of flannels?”

“Ah, okay. That makes sense.” Soobin nods, finally understanding. Lesbians are incredibly capable with power tools.

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