Who doesn't love some good old fashion gossip time?

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Venice's pov.

So Venice and Phoenix got kicked out of the room earlier and where grumpier than before.

So naturally all the guards would be walking on their toes until the storm would pass.

And that is why Chan, Korn's formal head bodyguard and now just everyone's daddy came to their rescue.

"Venice and Phoenix Theerapanyakul, what do you think you're doing scaring all our guards!" He yelled with authority that even made them behave.

If it were their fathers they wouldn't care but Chan was too scary to disobey.

To be honest they had their fair share of punishments in the past.

No one disobeys Chan, not even a Theerapanyakul. Which is funny since they actually are the ones paying him.

Not that it would change a thing since they kinda gave him the authority by calling him daddy Chan.

Even though he will forever be Big's daddy and he hates it we will never stop.

But back to the problem. Daddy Chan is here and it looks like we are in trouble today.

"Daddy Chan, my man. I'm innocent!" Prapai whines while hugging Chan's waist with the biggest puppy eyes.

Oh yeah did I tell you that he is weak to us.

One little tear and he would change into a sweet father and burn down the world for us.

"Yes, Daddy Chan, we are just trying to rescue our boyfriends." A little lie but still uncle Chay did steal them from us.

"What happened to khun Rain and khun Sky?" looks like we found our accomplice.

If our fathers don't want to help us, Daddy Chan will.

"They got kidnapped by a devil daddy." Prapai fake cries while giving me a secret wink.

That little manipulating bitch knows how to act all of a sudden.

Shouldn't be surprised since Uncle Porsche and Uncle kinn would leave him with Uncle Tankhun all the time when he was little.

His drama lessons paid off I guess. Maybe I should get some too.

Just to get back at papa and dad when they told me I couldn't get a pet as a child.

Still can't believe that I couldn't get one because dad doesn't want to love them?

I don't get what is wrong about loving a pet but it's probably something kinky again.

Wouldn't be surprised if it is!

"I NEED TO CALL EVERYONE TOGETHER NOW!" Chan yelled, running away to gather all his guards.

"WAIT! DADDY CHAN!" Shit he's already in a killer mood. That's bad?

"WHERE ARE ALL MY IMPOTENT GUARDS WHEN YOU NEED THEM!" Chan yells while coming back to us.

"Daddy Chan, it's uncle Chay who kidnapped them." Prapai says while I hold him before he runs off again.

"What? So they are okay?" He looks really confused, maybe his brain is too old to process it.

"Yes, daddy. Uncle Chay locked them up in this room." I say while pointing at my uncle's bedroom door.

Honestly I don't know if it's locked or not. But he doesn't need to know, the only important thing is getting our baby's back!

"Ugh, I'm too old for 't shit! If anyone needs me I'm on a holiday so tell them to fuck off!" Chan growls before leaving.

I guess daddy Chan and Big won't be working for awhile?

"So, what now?" Prapai has the audacity to look at me like I know how to solve this.

If I would, Rain would have been tied to my bed by now!

"Let's just break in!" It would be the easiest solution?


Kim's pov.

When I finished telling my part where Macau was a betraying brat and Vegas and Pete assholes we got disturbed.

As I was leaning closer to my honey bunny the door was kicked open.

Why do I have a dramatic ass family?

Did we choose the wrong job? Grandfather should have become an actor instead of a crime lord.

But who cares, right?

So why are these stupid brats here now?

"WHAT!" I yell since Chay has moved away from me and Maxau has the audacity to smirk at me.

Sometimes I really want to strangle my lovely family.

I love them but can't they just get lost once in a while.

Like when we were younger perhaps?

Only without someone ending up dead or traumatized but just far away so I can have a peaceful day in my angel's arms.

Even that is not possible!

Wait, what is happening?





"OPEN THAT DOOR!" I yell but I am only left with my two bratty nephew's.

How did this even happen


Author pov.

So today was a short chapter since I didn't have a lot of time but don't worry their are more chapters to come.

Also I started my first job about 3 months ago and finaly graduated from college😃.

Which I'm so happy about, but it does mean I don't have as much time as before to write😪

Yeah, so my updates might be smaller but I will still try to update once a week.

So don't mind me rambling and I hope you have enjoyed this story so far

Love N🥰

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