Chapter 12- Beauty and the Beast

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Nandini's POV:

''Kaha gayi hogi Navya?'' I sat there helplessly when Aryaman said he will check with security personnel in the resort. Tears welled up as I didn't find Navya. I felt alone all again and my hands shivered. He then caught hold of my hands and his touch still has the same warmth. ''Navya ko kuch nahi hoga, she will be somewhere nearby. Let's find her'' Manik said. I didn't knew he still has that same effect on me. I nodded as an obedient child. He wiped off the tears before they reached my cheeks. He cupped my face and caressed my right cheek with his thumb. My heartbeat raised as he did that but surprisingly I found solace in his touch. He looked into my eyes while I tried harder to avoid his constant gaze.

''Calm down'' he almost whispered in my ears. ''Navya'' I heard Cabir's voice from a distance and I suddenly stepped back from him. Manik was taken aback when I moved away but he must have expected my reaction. I ran towards Cabir's voice. ''Cabir'' I shouted and he waved at me from a distance. ''Navya is unconscious'' he said. Me and Manik rushed there and Cabir carried Navya in his arms. ''Navya, wake up'' I tried to wake her up but there was no response from her. Manik called Aryaman and informed that we found Navya. Aryaman was there in few minutes and sighed. He immediately called someone and I didn't knew who it was. ''Hospital chalte hai'' I said looking at Cabir. He nodded but Aryaman stopped showing Jai. ''He's a doctor'' Aryaman said. Jai bent down and asked me what happened. ''I don't know how she ended up here'' I said. ''I think it is due to low sugar levels'' he said. 

''Yes, Navya is diabetic'' I said. ''She might have not taken the insulin shot'' he suggested a probability. I went inside and got her insulin injection. Meanwhile Cabir shifted Navya into her room and Jai gave her insulin injection. ''She should be fine within some time'' Jai said. ''Thank you, thank you so much Jai. You saved us today'' I can't thank him enough for his immense help. ''Don't thank me dude, it's my job. You can be with her. I will manage pedananna and the event too'' he said with his trademark smile. 


I had to make sure that Navya slept well throughout the night. She is the only one I have for me in this world and I shouldn't neglect her. ''Good morning'' I said as she woke up. ''Good morning Nandini!'' Navya said. ''How are you feeling now?'' I asked her. ''Much better!'' she said. ''I was scared when I didn't find you last night, thank God we found you'' I said as I side hugged her. ''We?'' Navya asked with an exclamation. ''Oh, that Cabir who was with Manik, he helped me to find you out. Jai gave you insulin and then you slept through the night'' I said as she didn't remember anything that happened last night. ''I didn't know how I missed taking my insulin. I promise I won't scare you again like this'' she said with a weird smile and then we heard someone knocking on the door.

I opened the door only to see Cabir with a bouquet of flowers. ''Is Navya up?'' he asked and I nodded in yes. He barged into the room and went straight till the bed. ''Thank God, now you look normal'' he said handing over the bouquet to Navya. We both had strange expression on our faces when Cabir unexpectedly barged in. She formally smiled at him and thanked him for last night. ''The pleasure is all mine'' Cabir looked more enthusiastic. ''You should keep your insulin on track'' he suggested. Navya then showed him that she already has an app to remind her of insulin but because her phone is not with her, she lost it. ''Ok, but don't forget it from now on'' he said and we were waiting for him to go out. It was hard to send him out as we were making excuses but he didn't go. He even said that he will get the breakfast for us to the room.

''Sorry Cabir, we need to get ready and the next event will start in half an hour or so'' I said to send him out. He finally made his way to exit the room. ''Why am I explaining him all of that?'' Navya said. ''But he was right, he really looked worried when I said that you are lost'' I said. ''Maybe he likes you'' I blurted out as I analyzed Cabir's gestures towards Navya. ''Isn't that too fast to conclude?'' Navya didn't take my words seriously. We got ready in a jiffy and reached the lawn area. Panthulu garu (Pandit ji) has already arrived by the time we reached there. I called Karthik's family there. Karthik got ready in the dhoti (traditional Hindu dress worn around waist) which is presented by Neha's family.

Cabir and Manik were present there. ''Now what is this ceremony about?'' Cabir asked Navya. ''This ritual is called Snaathakam'' she said. ''I never heard of it'' Cabir said. ''Mostly this ritual is not in action now-a-days'' Navya said. ''So what do we do now?'' Karthik asked. ''Snaathakam is literally graduation'' I said. ''Whoa! I'm already a post-graduate Nandini'' he said smiling. ''Back in the olden times, people get married when they are done with their studies. So, to show that you're ready for wedding, you should be completing your studies and then they used to hold a graduation ceremony. In Snaathakam, you will be made to wear this sacred thread, which is called yagnopaveetham, which is just like getting degree on your convocation'' I said. ''So, only after graduation ceremony, I'm allowed to marry'' Karthik asked again. ''We really had beautiful rituals in olden days'' Cabir commented. Chowdary uncle and Padma aunty had put tilak on Karthik's forehead. They also presented clothes to both Karthik's mom and dad. 

Then panthulu garu made them wear yagnopaveetham to Karthik. He took blessings from all the elders. This was a small but necessary ritual. We had a brunch with pure Andhra delicacies and catered them with love. Chowdary uncle and his family had tasted the wedding menu and we're so happy they liked it. He had again reminded me of no non-veg till wedding policy. I'm literally jotting down what he said to not forget it. I then saw Cabir with Navya again. As usual Navya being Navya, trying to avoid Cabir. ''Why is Navya behaving like this! I just wanted to talk friendly with her'' Cabir said as he looked at me. He really looked disappointed. ''Don't worry, Navya doesn't get close to anyone so soon, give her some time'' I genuinely said. ''Does she have a boyfriend?'' he asked me.

''Isn't it really so fast to ask me this?'' I asked him in return. ''Ok! tell me if you have a boyfriend?'' Cabir asked again to engage with him. ''I don't have time for all this Cabir!'' I said before making an exit but Manik's entry made me stay there. I turned to Cabir to say my answer. ''Do you know the story of the Beauty and the Beast?'' I asked him and he said yes. ''Well, my story is the same. I went to him knowing that he's a beast. Then I loved him but the beast never turned into a prince'' I said. ''Phir'' he asked after a pause. 

''Phir Kahani khatam ho gaya humara'' I said looking at Manik who now stood beside Cabir.

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