Part 30

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The number of people who fell ill in the entire Gansogu district was approaching three hundred. Unfortunately, there were two fatalities among them.

At the peak of the epidemic, a team from the epidemiology center was gathering information from patients, compiling lists of victims, and investigating dozens of potential sources of infection. Jennie was constantly on the phone, consulting with both doctors at her hospital and colleagues in other cities. She and Lisa saw each other only briefly and only at work, because when Jennie got to her own house, she had time to sleep.

By Friday evening, the number of new patients had subsided and it was finally revealed that the source of the illness was a contaminated container of green onions brought in from Suncheon. When the peak of the crisis passed, the first thing Jennie did when she walked out of the hospital doors was to dial Lisa's number on her cell phone

"Hello?" said Lisa.

Hearing her voice was enough to put a smile on Jennie's face. "It's me. Are you free right now?"

"Well, not really."

"Oh..." Jennie tried not to show the disappointment in her voice. She pulled the car keys out of her briefcase, "Well, then..."

"Hold on a second." Another voice came through the receiver.

"Mom? Are you going home now?"

"Honey? What's going on? Where are you now?" Jennie slid into the front seat of her car and tossed her briefcase back. She hadn't seen Minji all week because when she came home from work, her daughter was already asleep. As far as she knew, Minji was supposed to be with Irene right now.

"We're home. I'm making pizza with Lisa."

"You make pizza?" Jennie dismissed the image that flashed before her of pizza sauce smeared on the kitchen walls. "Is there any left for me in there?"

Jennie heard giggling and mumbling, but she couldn't make out the words. She had already put the key in the ignition and started the engine when she heard Minji's voice again.

"Lisa says everything will be ready in twenty-five minutes. But we're really hungry."

"So, tell Lisa I'll be home in ten minutes and I'm really hungry too."

Minji laughed. "Okay, Mom. We'll share with you."

* * *

Lisa was waiting for her on the back porch. When Jennie parked, she walked around the car, opened the driver's door, and leaned over and kissed Jennie gently. "Hi. Dinner will be ready soon."

"What a nice surprise," Jennie grabbed her briefcase and slipped out of the car.

"You haven't seen the kitchen yet."

"No, but I have a good imagination," Jennie smiled, and with one arm around Lisa's waist, "You just need to be well looked after."

"The head cook is upstairs taking a bath," Lisa told her, "I thought it would be best if she washed up before you saw her."

"Where's Irene?"

"On another date." Lisa touched her lips lightly to Jennie's temple. "And don't even think about thanking me. I've missed Minji all week. And I've missed you even more. Every second of it."

Jennie dropped her briefcase on the steps, turned to Lisa, and wrapped both arms around her neck, pulling her tightly against her. Their kiss lasted until Jennie felt Lisa with every cell of her body. "I missed you too."

"Oh, yes," Lisa exhaled contentedly and reluctantly backed away from Jennie, "I'd better run upstairs and help Minji in the bathroom."

"I'll change and join you."

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