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When Rainbow Dash could finaly summon the strength to stand, Twilight stood by her side, doing her best to help guide her crippled friend through the dark cave. Rainbow Dash was limping, tilting from side to side, but Twilight helped her every step of the way. Rainbow's gory eyes were now covered with a bloody rag Twilight had made out of one of the straps from her saddle bag.

"You still there Twilight?"

"Yes Rainbow. I'm not going anywhere. .... Watch your step."


Twilight then noticed something in the distance, a little white light. Just then it dissapered, Twilight stopped, looking closer, thinking she has seen it somewhere before.

"Twilight? .... W-why have we stopped?"

Just then it hit her. How could she forget? The colour, the brightness, it was Princess Celestia's magic. Spike must have escaped the cave and told her what had happened.

"Oh no."

"What? W-what is it?"

"We gotta go Rainbow. We need to run now!"

"Twilight wh-"



The cave was rocked with an explosion, knocking both ponies off their feet. Twilight helped Rainbow Dash onto her hooves as fast as possible.

"What was that?!"

"We need to move! Nrgh! Come on! Run Rainbow!"


A bolt of lightning struck the ground in front of Twilight's hooves, making both her and Rainbow Fall to the ground. Twilight turned to see the princess of Equestria staring back with several royal guards behind her.


Rainbow knew what was going to happen, she clutched Twilight's arm and pulled her close. Sobbing into her cheast. The princess paniked and used her magic to throw the pegasus into a wall.

"NO!! STOP!!"

Twilight shreiked as she was pulled away by one of the guards. The princess cornered the helpless pegasus.

"Twilight?! .... Twilight?!! Where are you?"

"RAINBOW!!" The princess roared. Twilight squirmed, trying everything to escape the guards and help the only friend she had left. Rainbow Dash began to panic, she had no idea where to run. She was so confused.

"As of now, for the safety of Cloudsdale, Ponyvill and the world of equestria, your sentance shall be carried out now."

"N-no! .... No!! Please!! Anyt-"

"You are being charged with the 1st degree murders of Pinkie Pie."

"No!! It wasn-"

"The brutal murders of Applejack, Big Macintosh."


"And finally the murders of Fluttershy and Rarity. .... How do you plead?"

"No! .... N--not guilty! I didn't! .... I-I. .... Twilight!! Where are you?!"



The princess stomped her hoof in rage, shaking the rocking the cave as the tall horn on her head began to glow.

"As of now I am sentancing you, Rainbow Dash, the element of loyalty, to death!"


The prinsess lowered her head, taking aim at the pegasus who was now backing away from the voice coming from in front of her. The princess followed, slowly walking closer but keeping her distance. Rainbow Dash obliviously backing up towards a deep dark pit, quivering in fear.

"You shall no longer bring terror to the land of Equestria, you shall never walk the grounds of a once peacful world again. Do you have any last words?"

Rainbow's hoof slipped off the mouth of the dark cave, nearly making her fall. Rainbow began sobbing, unable to cry tears from her mangled, mutilated eyes. Her once colourful magneta eyes.

"P-p-please. .... I beg of you. .... I'll do anything. Just. .... P-please! Dont kill me! .... I dont want to die!!"

The princess scoffed in discust, soon digging at the ground beneath her. Charging her horn, ready for the fatal blow. Twilight could only do one thing. A blinding light exploded from her horn, temporerally blinding the guard that held her. As the stalion covered his eyes with his hooves, Twilight kicked the guard away before running towards her helpless friend.



Twilight leaped towards her friend, just as the princess summoned her spell. Just milliseconds from impact Twilight tackled the pony as the spell made contact. Twilight took the majority of the blast on her flank but Rainbow Dash took the fatal blow to the head, before they both fell into the dark pit.
The princess recoiled in horror, realising what had just happened. The princess screamed in horror as she heard her ex stundent scream as she fell down the black abbyss.

It was a long time before Twilight opened her eyes again. It didn't take long for the excrutiating pain to flood her brain. She couldn't move. She couldn't scream, all she could do was shake as her blured vision began to clear. She could see Rainbow Dash lied in front of her, no longer breathing, and covered in blood. She tried to call to her friend, but her vision soon turned black, her pain evaporating with her consciousness.

My Little Pony: Rocket To Insanity : Dawn Of A Dying PegasusWhere stories live. Discover now