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Twilight opened her sore eyes as she was being rushed into surgery, she saw the doctors stood over her shouting and arguing as her body was wheeled through one door after another. Twilight couldn't feel her body, she couldn't move or breath by herself without help. She was aware of the effects the spell had on a pony but she never would have imagined how painful it was. Her mine was incapable of coping with the agony and she soon found herself drifting away.


Twilight bolted upright in her hospital bed, fear strangeling her heart as she fell off the bed, pulling out all the wires and tubes connected to her body. She could remember everything, the pain, the indescribable pain. She could still see her only friend looking for her, as Twilight was held back, unable to do anything but watch as her friend was executed.
Doctors and nurses rushed in grabbing the uncicorn as she flailed wildely in the corner, screaming hystericaly as her mind began to replay every single painful moment in her life.


Doctors held the purple unicorn down, trying to stop her from hurting herself. Before she knew it, 6 doctors were in the room holding her down as a nurse ran in with a syringe. Not long after the needle peirced her flesh, Twilight was soon subdued and put back into her bed, where she was then left to fall asleep, wanting to scream out in greif.

Later that afternoon, Twilight was stable. She was sat on her wheel chair looking out of her window, gazing upon the beautiful landscape of Canterlot city. Everything seemed to be more colourful. She turned back to look at all the get well soon cards she recived. Colourful tinsel over her bed with never ending bags of treats and foods underneath them.
As she turned back to her window, she heared a noise coming from behind, she new exactly who it was. She could hear the gentle voice of the princess talking to the nurse as she stood beside the door, trying to keep her voice down, but Twilight could hear clearly as well as see, the reflection in the window giving her a perfect view of them both.

"I-is she going to be okay?" Celestia asked with genuine sorrow in her eyes.

"She's. .... Stable, we havn't been able to talk to her lately, that, weird infection on her muzzle was causing us problams with comunication. .... Ever since we've taken it off, she hasn't spoken a word."

The princess bowed her head looking at the ground.

"Please leave the room."

The nurse did so as the princess walked next to Twlight, still keeping her distance. She looked at the purple unicorn, she was distant, looking off into the distance, clearly aware of who was stood next to her.

"I'm" The princess, caught off guard by a tean rolling down her cheek. "I know what you must think of me right now. .... And I'm sorry. I know this is hard on you. But I did what I had to do to help bring peace back to Equestria. Justice was served. I'm sure you'll understand."

Twilight started gringing her teeth, clearly enfuriated.

"J-justice? .... You! You call that JUSTICE?!!"

The princess recoiled, suprised by the unicorns sudden change in attitude. Twilight continued to shout at the princess, despit her muzzle still being incredably sore.

"THAT WAS NOT JUSTICE!! .... IT WAS AN EXECUTION!! .... Do you have any ANY idea how close I was?! I saved her! My best friennd! MY ONLY FRIEND!! AND YOU KILLED HER!!"


"She had gone through so much!! She had been beaten, destroyed and left to fend for herself! .... Rarity and Fluttershy knew what they were getting into. They. They're the bravest ponies I've ever known. And now they're dead!! AND BECAUSE OF YOU!! THEY ALL DIED INVAIN!!"

The princess didn't say anything she stood there and watched the purple unicorn wail at her in her wheelchair. Twilight calmed down, her tears now becoming ones of sorrow and not blind anger.

"I. .... I thought you'd understand what I was doing. You're the one who told me to always look out for my friends, no matter what. But I was wrong. You never even gave her a chance to speak. .... You just. .... Killed her."

The princess paused, confused with emotions. Angry for being shouted at, greif for the loss of the five elements and sorrow for knowing she was only telling the truth.

"I. .... I know how you must feel. You was only doing what you thought was right. But nopony else would se it that way. To them you were simply harboring a fugetive. Like it or not. That's the truth. I'm sorry for what I've done, but it was the only option."

Twilight sighed, still angry but knowing that it was the truth. The princess leaned foward.

"I know nothing I do will ever make up for what I did. But for my own peice of mind, I've issued a court order, giving you immuntiy of prosecution. It's the least I can do for what I did."

Twilight continued to look outside before looking at the ground, her eyes dripping with tears.

"Thank you. .... But like you said. .... It doesn't make up for what happened."

Twilight then turned to face the prinsess, staring into her eyes as she said the inevitable.

"And as of today, I am no longer your student, and you are no longer my mentor. I just want to be alone. .... Please leave."

"Okay. I'll go. .... Goodbye Twilight. .... It was good being your teacher."

The princess walked out of the hospital room, leaving Twilight to cry into her hooves, sobbing at her loss, as the sun began to set in the distance.

My Little Pony: Rocket To Insanity : Dawn Of A Dying PegasusWhere stories live. Discover now