Chapter 2 The Dissese Strikes

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When my mom got to the drivers door she was acting all weird she was like tugging on the handle of the door.I was starting to get REALLY worried about her."mom?" I said."yea honey"she said all quiet."should I be worried about you?" "Not if I'm not worried"So we went home successfully and went in our front door and I saw that EVERYTHING was taken! "MOM!!!" "Yes" she said quietly.When I walked in my room I saw that my mom zoomed to the bathroom.Since my room was a wall beside the bathroom I could hear what someone was doing in there if I put my ear up on the wall.So I put my ear up to the wall and hear this "cough cough cough" and also I heard spitting.Then I raced to the bathroom door and turned the knob. When I got in the bathroom all I saw was my mom's mouth with blood gushing out.

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