5- We Are Dire Wolves

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<It's sick, is what it is Joe. You can't do that to her>. Seth, my beta, had said to me, teeth-gritting when he sent his surface thoughts to me, inside my head- directly. But he knew he could not do more than that. I will probably have his head if he angers me, and he knew it.

Seth is also my friend. We grew up together, close as brothers because we are destined for each other. Me in command and him, my second in command. The ying to my yang. And his father and mine were the same before us and their parents and so forth.

A generational thing.

We are Dire wolves. We are bigger, better, and stronger than regular werewolves. An alpha from a regular pack would have a hard time taking down my beta- a hard time yes, but it could be achieved. But compared to me? Hah. Never. Unheard off.

<fuck off> I mind-linked him.

I am the Alpha of my pack, Dire- named Dire since the beginning of our time. My beta is the only one who I would allow to speak to me in such a manner. He is my counsel after all. Nobody else would dare to contest me if they do- and it does happen, my animalistic side takes it as a challenge and an all-war goes on inside my brain.

Long ago, the alpha would have shredded the devil, but me, I have it under control.

Steeling him with my alpha eyes, Seth glanced once more at the girl before making his exit with no other option but to. My beta does not like the idea that I am sending the girl to the dog pound- downstairs in my strip club where men will be eyeing her like raw meat. Hence the name- dog pound.

But I like this game. Her mother was a whore and now she will be treated as such too. Sell her virginity... I do intend to take her, yes, but I wish to be pleased. A silly girl with absolutely no experience except making coffee and sandwiches is not pleasing in the sack at all. Opening her legs and that's it?


She will learn to please me, even if it would be that one time.

My wolf laughs evilly inside my head, at my use of one time. A big on edge that laugh- plus I can feel his emotion as my own. He intends to have her until death- which will be soon if I allow him to have his way. The legend foretells this.

I want a quick lay si, but I also want to enjoy it. I like to hear women moan and know that it is me that is the cause of it. I like it when their legs tremble, their gasps catching in their throats as they beg me to never stop.

Once I could feel a woman faking it and I swear, I was so turned off from her that I kicked her- literally shoved her off me, yelling at her to leave my room at once. Never mind I was paying her for the pleasure, I already knew she was working. I want her to be so contented that we both forget it's her job.

Whomever she be at that moment of ecstasy.

This girl Benita, I know who she is. Since her birth, I have known of her. She is predicted to be the one that brings me down- my downfall. According to the legend, we are destined to be each other's end; in every life we share.

My parents had placed a spell on her, so she forgets who I am, but they did not cater for me and when I found her- thanks to her whore of a mother- I had my men following her everywhere.

While I did not care for the girl, something just kept reeling me in, where she was concerned. When Dr. Lee informed me of her father's condition, I kept tabs on her. And now I know she could no longer make it alone; I stepped in with this fake website.

Not me obviously. I had to hire someone who is computer savvy- a hacker who works on my cyber security. She charged me almost double her monthly salary just to create the fake app that Benita used.

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