Mrs Turners suprise

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It was two months later and many souls ferried to the afterlife by William Turner Jr. he stepped foot into his cabin and sat at his desk pulling out a sheet of paper before dipping his quill in ink connecting the paper and quill as he wrote

My dearest Elizebeth,
Me and the crew surfaced to fetch a few dammed souls helping them aboard when we stumbled upon the familiar face of Captain Jack Sparrow. He and the crew are reportedly searching for the silver chalice's so he can be immortal not a surprise. Anyways once we'd crossed paths I saw a few more recognisable ships that had left port from Shipwreck cove and apparently you are with child. I am on cloud nine right now yet I wish I could be there for you my beloved Elizabeth.
Hard to think I'll only meet our child when they're nine-ten. Maybe we will cross paths before then I'm not sure
Your forever
Will xx
Once again he repeats the process of putting the letter in the chest and locking it before rejoining the crew on deck yet today there were differences they danced and partied at the fact of Elizabeth being with child.

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⏰ Last updated: May 14 ⏰

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